Page 31 of Duke (Fallen MC 1)
“Really? They said that even before we showed them the video.”
“What video?”
“The video of you beating the shit out of Nicole while she was huddled on the floor. The video that shows you’re a lying, conniving cunt!”
“There’s no video! I know there’s no cameras in that kitchen!”
“Why would you need to check for cameras if this wasn’t planned?”
Helen broke, what little sanity she had deserting her. She let out a scream and buried her hands into her hair, pulling it. Her wild eyes locked on Duke.
“This is all your fault! Why couldn’t you just leave that bitch alone? You just left me, after I knew you were gonna make me your old lady. You’ve fucked me for weeks without going to anyone else. You were mine! Then that ugly fucking bitch shows up and you turn your back on what we had! She should be gone by now. That bitch should be dead. If you hadn’t got back early she would be DEAD! You should of chosen me!”
No one held him back this time. He stormed towards her and fisted his hand in the back of her hair, wrenching her head back. His other hands held her wrists, crushing them tightly together, causing her to cry out. He put his face close to hers and spat out his words.
“You listen to me, I never fucking wanted you. You were just a hole to be filled. Your used up pussy did it’s job, it was never you I was fucking. Could have been any one of you sluts I filled, you were just always closest. You’re gonna pay for what you did to Nicole. She’s gonna be fine. She’s gonna be my old lady. I’m gonna bury myself deep and raw in her tight, wet pussy and forget you ever existed.” He pushed her into the wall and swung his fist hard into her gut. She fell to the floor, retching, fighting to take a breath. “That’s for Nicole. You deserve a lot more but I don’t wanna touch you ever again.”
Realisation of what she’d done and the situation she was in showed on her face. Her eyes were wide with fear and her body visibly trembled. Helen pulled herself to sit up straight and wept. “Please, just let me go. I’ll never come back, never show my face here again. I promise.”
Prez stepped forward. Helen shrank into the corner trying to make herself as small as possible. “Here’s the thing. You’re not getting off that easy. You used the brothers against our own property, property we’re honour-bound to protect and you could have started a war with Riot. If you weren’t such a dumb fuck you might have pulled it off. You’ve gotta pay. Nicole’s gonna be an old lady in this club, we protect our own, and even if she wasn’t you would have let my brothers fight in a war you started. One that could have cost them their lives. So, here’s what gonna happen to you, you traitorous slut. Every brother and old lady who wants to, gets one shot at you. After that Nicole gets to decide what happens to you. I’d get comfy, after church is when your visitors are gonna start arriving.”
Prez turned his back and started to walk away. Helen sprung forward and grabbed onto his cut pleading to be let go. Prez whipped around, breaking her hold and threw a punch into her jaw. Helen collapsed to the floor gripping her face.
“Don’t fucking touch me! That was my shot for Nicole.”
They locked the door as they left. Duke knew Prez took it easy on her or she would be unconscious. He had a mean right hook. Duke felt slightly better but he doubted anything would ever be enough to right this wrong. It would be interesting to see who took up the offer of one shot at Helen. It wasn’t in their nature to hit women but Prez was right, he could of lost some of his brothers if her plan had succeeded. Most of all, he wouldn’t have Nicole and that shit burned deep. He needed to get back to her, check she was ok.
“Church in thirty minutes.” Prez announced as they entered the bar. Every brother, old lady and prospect sat waiting for news.
The brothers knew they would get the information on what had gone down at the meeting, so they gave them all a wide berth for now. Duke jogged up the stairs to his apartment. Nicole was lying exactly where he’d left her. Her face was peaceful and with the sheet hiding her body she looked untouched, perfect. The thin sheet draped over her body did nothing to hide her mouth watering curves. Even beaten black and blue his bitch was gorgeous. His dick twitched thinking about fucking her when she’d healed enough. He prayed she was a quick healer. He wanted their connection back. He needed to reclaim her. He never felt more at home than when he was buried deep in Nicole.
Movement at the side of the room caught his eye and he spun around to see the Musketeers sitting with their backs against the wall. Duke hadn’t noticed them, he’d been totally focused on Nicole. He sent them a questioning glance. They started to stand as King explained.
“Didn’t mean to intrude brother, just wanted to visit Nic. We knew you’d be busy with those fucking bitches so we’ve just sat here quietly. We didn’t want her to wake up and have no one around.”
Duke gave each of his brothers a brief one armed hug to show his gratitude. They all loved Nicole and he’d never been more thankful for the club.
“Here’s some cream to help her bruises. We use it after we get a bit rough. Works a treat.” Bones handed him the a large tub of cream and shot him a mischievous grin. Duke tried to ignore the ‘rough’ comment. He’d witnessed their rough sex on an ill-timed visit to their room. If it weren’t for the hard dicks he could see he would have been sure they were fighting.