Page 52 of Duke (Fallen MC 1)
He stuck his head out to see what the fuck was going on. He watched as Bianca started to wail loudly. She seemed terrified to get in the truck and was clinging onto both King and Bones. He could see her knuckles turn white with her straining effort. Prez was shouting that they needed to move out – now. Duke vehemently agreed. Eventually, all three Musketeers got in the truck, each keeping a hand on Bianca. They sure were possessive over the girl and she was gripping onto them like a life line.
His attention quickly turned back to the woman in his arms, who was stroking the stubble on his jaw and cheeks watching the events unfold. It felt so good to have her hands back on him. He closed his eyes and absorbed the sensation, reminding himself that he hadn’t lost her. Opening his eyes, he let his gaze roam over the delicate features of her face. Her stunning green eyes still shone bright through all the dirt and grime that soiled her skin. He lowered his head to kiss her. Her soft lips yielding under his was one of the best feelings he ever experienced. It soon turned heated when Nicole thrust her tongue past his lips, into his mouth. He responded in kind and embraced their connection again. He could never get enough of her. His dick started to respond, now wasn’t the time, so he reluctantly broke their kiss and instantly mourned the loss.
“I love you, Duke. I knew you’d find me.” She whispered against his neck. He let himself sink into the contentment of hearing her say the best words he’d ever heard.
Chapter sixteen
It had been four weeks since her kidnapping and Nicole was now on permanent bed rest, much to Duke’s amusement and delight. Before her doctor insisting on bed rest, Duke had shadowed her every move upon returning to the compound. He made sure to be in front of her when going down the stairs and behind whenever she went up. That was okay, but everything else soon became irritating, graduating to rage inducing the more he persisted. Even worse, if he wasn’t there, one of the brothers would be and despite her requests for space, they never veered from the task Duke set them. She loved having him nearby but she’d didn’t want him attached to her twenty four hours a day, especially when she was using the bathroom. Her complaints fell on deaf ears, so in the end she took to imagining he wasn’t there.
Her bump was so big that she was never comfortable and everyones consoling comments were grating on her nerves. Duke was being sweet, considering he was taking the brunt of her frustrations. She still had nightmares about being trapped in that cell, but as time went by they were getting better and far less frequent. She tried not to wake Duke when she had one, he got so angry when he knew she’d had a nightmare. He still blamed himself for not doing more, even though he did all he could.
The mess with Riot MC was still going on with small incidents here and there, yet nothing serious happened. It appeared that some of the Riot members had gone rogue and Fallen were trying to hunt them down. A rogue biker with vengeance in mind was not to be taken lightly. Duke wouldn’t tell her anything, he just told her not to worry and ignored the indignant look she threw at him. Any information she got was from Shel and Jewel, and she suspected they knew more than they were letting on too.
Lying in bed, she took her eyes away from the large flat screen TV that Duke had installed at the foot of their bed to keep her entertained and looked at the new, improved layout of their bedroom. The whole apartment had been cleaned top to bottom and repainted. Of course, she was holed up in Slam’s room while they worked as Duke was uber paranoid about toxic fumes, even though every paint he’d purchased was advertised to be safe. There was a large wooden sleigh crib, stained dark blue, pushed against the wall to the right of their bed. On the left, a new counter and cupboards had been fitted. This was for all the baby stuff and they had a lot of it.
A single baby took up a lot of space but Nicole and Duke were on a whole other level. They had three of everything. Swings, Moses baskets, bouncers, play mats, car seats and three times the diapers to store. Bottles lined the top with three separate bottle warmers and sterilisers waiting to be used. The crib was a gift from Razor and was gorgeous. She couldn’t wait to see the boys asleep in it. Its liners were a light blue cotton and the mobiles that hung above it had little motorcycles and footballs hanging from them. Luckily, Shel and Jewel had helped her add soft touches or her boys would be surrounded with leather and chrome studs, if the men around here had their way. They only needed one crib for now as the doctor told them that multiple babies are much more settled if they sleep together, they miss each other if they don’t. She thought that was adorable. Duke was more pleased that he wouldn’t have to knock down the wall separating the bedroom from the family room to make space for more cribs.
Nicole adjusted the pillows behind her back, it was really protesting today, twinging like hell. She put it down to being excited and restless. Duke should be back any minute from a run, it would be his last for a while. For that, she was very thankful. She couldn’t help but worry when he was gone. It had only been three days but she missed him like crazy, even with his thirty or so calls a day.
She heard the rumble of tail pipes in the distance. She wanted to leap from the bed and welcome Duke home, but if she was getting out of bed for anything right now, it would be to pee. Slam had even offered to give her a catheter, she was up and down that much. A few days ago Duke had joked that he had to keep switching up his arms when pulling her out of bed, he was afraid that one would get significantly bigger than the other if he didn’t. He said he ‘hadn’t had to worry about that since he was teenager’ and wiggled his eyebrows. Nicole pretended to gag when he said that. Sure enough they both ended up laughing for several minutes, which just made her need to pee more urgent.