Page 53 of Duke (Fallen MC 1)
The door to the apartment opened. A huge smile spread on her face. It dropped when she saw Razor instead of Duke.
“Well, sister-in-law, it’s nice to see you too.” He smirked.
“Sorry, I thought you might be Duke. I just heard them pull in. You know I’m always glad to see you.”
“Yeah, he should be up any minute. There was some damage to the gate, they’re just checking it out first.” He sat beside her on the bed and started flipping through the TV channels.
“Hey, you shouldn’t be calling me sister-in-law. I’m an old lady not a wife.”
“Yet. Probably should get my nephews out before you start shopping for a dress though.” He patted her gigantic bump.
Nicole flushed with pleasure at the idea of marrying Duke. Maybe this was a good sign that it would happen. She wondered if Duke had spoken to him about it. She didn’t want a different last name than her sons. She knew that she had Duke for life without a wedding, but a big part of her still wanted her day. Everything would be perfect then. If it never happened, she would still be happy. Her life was already a thousand times better than she ever imagined it would be.
“You ever think you’ll get hitched, Razor?” He’d gotten pretty protective of one of the dancers, Chloe, from Riot’s strip joint. He’d met her when they were searching for her after being kidnapped. Apparently, Razor rescued Chloe from some awful situation but he refused to talk about it and always changed the subject if it was brought up.
“Nah. There’s that saying. What is it again? Oh yeah. A woman marries a man in the hopes that he will change, but he doesn’t. A man marries a woman in the hopes that she’ll never change, but she does. That shit ain’t for me.” Nicole rolled her eyes.
“You just wait. One of these days the right lady will come along and you’ll be eating those words.” Now Razor rolled his eyes.
“I wouldn’t hold your breath, Nic.”
Suddenly, the distinctive pop of gunfire rolled through the air. Razor sprung up from beside her and bolted for the apartment door. Every part of her was pressing to follow him. She wanted to scream. Duke was out there. She started taking deep breaths to calm herself down. It would take more than a few bullets to stop Duke from coming back to her. Now, only if she really believed that. A crippling pain charged through her abdomen and back like lightning. Nicole braced herself against the pain just as she felt something burst. Water flooded the bed from between her legs. Her waters had broke. She let out a mighty scream as the pain got worse.
Duke had just pulled into the lot at the side of the compound. He was desperate to see his Nicole. It had only been three days but it was three days too long. Hanging his helmet on his bike bars, he quickly walked over to Prez and Hollywood, who like him were heading towards the compound’s gate. It had taken an age to open and new scratches indicated that it had been tampered with. He dropped to the ground behind a low wall as a bullet pinged off the gate. It had been far too close for comfort. The brothers around him dove for cover. Fuck, they were being shot at. The gate must have been a set up to draw them out. He was pissed that it had worked.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his brother run out from the main building. Fucker should be with Nicole. He spotted one of the shooters, took aim and only managed to tag his arm before having to take cover again. The sound of guns firing around him was almost deafening. He couldn’t find a target. Every fibre of his being roared to take these fuckers out. The wall he was behind was at an odd angle and was obscuring his view. He had to move which was seriously risky surrounded by all this gun fire.
He spotted Slam, elbow crawling across the yard towards a partially hidden, frantic, Jewel. Someone must have been hit and made it into the building. He didn’t allow his mind to wander to who it could be. It was at times like this he wished he had taken that arms deal a while back with a disgruntled soldier. He didn’t as the club didn’t deal in weapons but a grenade would have come in pretty handy right about now.
After a few minutes, the gun fire became more sporadic before it stopped all together. He slowly rose from his position and saw his brothers doing the same. He did a visual check and only two brothers seemed to be wounded. Given the circumstance, that wasn’t too bad but still pissed him off. They looked to be only flesh wounds. Slam would be able to handle them. He helped Hollywood carry one of the heavily injured Riot rogues to an outhouse before jogging to the main building. He was going to need a shot from the bar before he saw Nicole. He was too on edge. That idea flew from his mind when he heard a blood curdling scream echo down the hallway as he entered. He sprinted to his apartment, knowing instinctively that it was Nicole.
He stormed through his apartment to the bedroom and stopped in his tracks at the sight that greeted him. Nicole was propped up in the middle of the bed, her legs apart and knees pulled up. She was bright red and panting while sweat poured from her forehead. Slam was between her legs, Shel was to Nicole’s right having the shit squeezed out of her hand and Jewel was frozen near the bathroom door, as pale as the towels she was holding. His brain seemed to kick in before anyone had noticed he was there. Nicole was in labour. He needed to get her to a hospital and fast. The c-section wasn’t scheduled for another two weeks. Nicole and the babies were in danger. Duke ran to her side.