Page 54 of Duke (Fallen MC 1)
“Baby, I’m here. Breathe. Everything’s going to be ok. I’m gonna get you to a hospital.” Nicole was frantically nodding at him, then started grunting and moaning. Her chin was tucked into her chest and the grip she had on his hand astounded him. He would never have thought she had that kind of strength.
“There’s gonna be no time for that, Duke. The first baby is crowning. On your next contraction, Nic, give me a big push.” Slam sounded calm and in control but the way he was sweating contradicted that.
Duke wanted to give in to his panic. Seeing Nicole in pain was horrendous and he couldn’t even help her. This situation, for a man, was the definition of helplessness. She smiled at him and it spread across her face as a grimace. She was trying to comfort him. For fucks sake, he needed to pull himself together.
“Duke, get the bands!” She yelled out as another contraction took hold.
Oh yeah. He ran for the drawer they were in and tore them from their boxes. Back beside Nicole, he grabbed the damp cloth from Shel’s hand and wiped her forehead. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. They were meant to be in an operating room with real doctors and nurses, no pain for Nicole and just excitedly watching as their sons were brought into the world. This felt manic. Everything was happening so fast.
Razor swaggered in. “All’s clear in the yard now….. What the fuck is going on?” Duke realised his brother was a moron.
“Nicole’s in labour, you stupid shit. If the yards clear, call a fucking ambulance!” He was relieved to know it was safe to move her now. Nicole grabbed his neck and pulled him in for a wet kiss. He threw himself wholeheartedly into it. This was his woman, they were about to become a family. She tore her mouth away and started to scream as another contraction ripped through her tiny body. Her fingernails cut into the nape of his neck, he could feel the sting on his skin. He would let her inflict as much damage on him as she wanted. She was doing all the hard work. He wished he could take the burden from her, but he couldn’t. The least he could do was get them all safely to the hospital.
“Ambulance is five minutes out.” Razor yelled above the ensuing madness.
“Make sure the fucking gate is open and no one’s bikes are blocking the door. We’re gonna be moving quickly. Go wait for them and lead them up here.” Duke shouted over Nicole’s screams. Razor ran from the apartment.
“The head is out!” Duke looked down and saw the cutest little smushed face with a head full of black hair. He tried not to focus on the other stuff. He felt a bit queasy seeing it. He’d never live it down if he passed out or threw up. “Okay, Nic, one more big push on you’re next contraction for his shoulders and you’re first son will be here.” He definitely owed Slam a drink after all this. Hell, he’d probably owe him a new bike.
“Duke!” He whipped his focus back to Nicole. She looked exhausted and frantic. “I can’t do this two more times. I just can’t!”
“You can and you will, baby. Me and our boys need you to be strong. I know you can do this.” A new determination set on her face.
“I love you.” They were still the sweetest words he’d ever heard.
“I love you too. You’re my life.” He’d never said anything more true.
Chapter seventeen
Pain like she’d never felt before burned all through her centre as another contraction built. She stared into Duke’s eyes. Letting the warm brown calm her as best it could. A new wave of pain, akin to a machete slicing through her came. She squeezed her eyes closed and pushed with all her might. Suddenly, the pressure eased. Her eyes opened to see their tiny baby boy being quickly wiped down and rubbed by Slam. A small cry sprung from her baby’s mouth and her whole body sagged in relief. She glanced at Duke to see him transfixed on the baby. Silent tears were falling down his cheeks.
A giggle escaped her as she saw Slam tying off the cord with a cable tie. Duke rummaged in his pocket and withdrew the band with an A on. He quickly and very delicately slipped it on the baby’s ankle and adjusted it to fit before Slam handed him his son. She thought he would be wary and fidgety but he was so gentle and steady as he accepted his son from Slam. Her heart overflowed with love, seeing father and son together. She didn’t even realise that she was sobbing. Duke turned to face her with a glowing smile gracing his face. Her arms stretched out to take her son. It felt like she’d waited forever to hold him in her arms.
“Here, Anarchy Aaron Banks, this is your momma.” He spoke softly to the bundle in his arms as he passed her the most precious thing in her life.
She cradled him against her body and pressed kisses all over his face, the gunk and blood not bothering her at all. He was beautiful. He felt too small to be out in the big wide world. She stroked a finger down his super soft cheek as Duke embraced them both.
“Congratulations, you guys.” Slam choked out, unashamedly crying too.
A new pressure rapidly built between her legs again. She handed Anarchy off to Duke quickly.
“It’s starting again!”
Just then, the apartment door banged open as Razor ran in, followed by a team of paramedics. She saw one trying to take Anarchy from Duke as she set about her breathing exercises again. He was reluctant and shouted to Razor to stick with Anarchy no matter what. Razor immediately agreed before stating that Anarchy was an epic name. Shel and Jewel ran around gathering her bag and the babies’ bags. They had so much stuff going with them, they would have to follow the ambulance in a car.