Page 206 of Say Yes, Senator
“I know you been talking to them cops, Eden! Got a source on the inside, says he saw Jack coming over this way last night! Saw him at your window. Same guy says he left by the back this morning!” He paused, swearing either to himself or his goons.
“Eden! You fucking promised me!” I heard a shoulder slam into the door.
I scrambled up the stairs as quick as I could, heading into my room and grabbing my cell phone from my bedside table.
I’d already saved Jacks number, and I dialed it with a shaky hand, breathing steadily in an effort to calm myself down.
Cmon, Jack. Answer. Answer the phone…
His cell rang for a horrible few moments as I waited with baited breath. Then a click, a deep voice answering at the other end.
“Jack Storm.” Relief flooded through me at the sound of Jack, his deep, calm voice loud over the phone.
I explained the situation, panic behind each word.
Five minutes. Better hope Conall doesn’t batter the door down in the meantime, then.
I kept my phone in my hand and gingerly walked downstairs. There was silence outside for a blessed moment. I didn’t expect it to last too long.
I grabbed a big, sharp knife from the kitchen and held it behind my back, edging myself along the wall within sight of the front door. I was well within my rights to stab Conall if he broke in, and I’d damn well go for the throat if he so much as stepped towards me.
I heard his voice sound again, muffled.
“I just wanna talk, babe. Really. Cmon, what happened before was a mistake! I’m sorry.” Silence followed as I held my breath.
It’d been about three minutes, I figured.
The door cracked with a loud impact. I heard swearing from outside the door. Another loud crack, and the door shook with impact from what I suspected was a heavy foot.
A few more hits like that and it’s gonna buckle. Then I’m gonna have three big thugs to deal with…
A cold clarity overcame me. A gruesome resolve as I made up my mind that if they were gonna hurt me, well then, they’d damn well pay for it. I’d smile sweetly at Conall as he approached then slash my knife at his neck.
My eyes widened as I heard the sound of a loud engine revving wildly outside, tires squealing.
A second later there was another impact on the door followed by more cursing from Conall as he screamed in rage. Wood splintered, and I heard the snap of metal.
The door held.
I rushed over to Eden’s, foot hard on the gas as I accelerated violently around the sparse traffic. My tires struggled to grip the road surface as I took corners hard, utilizing the large turbocharged engine of my car. I was determined to get to Eden as quickly as I’d promised, even faster if possible. I had left Goldie awaiting arrest by Lucas, confident he was gonna be taken in alive.
I was worried Conall would have forced his way into the house. My options would be limited, and if I ended up killing him, the rest of his gang would dismantle the lab and clear the hell out of town. I prayed he still didn’t know the world of shit he was in, how much I knew about him already.
I once again had to trust in my wit and the arrogance of those who thought they ran the streets, those that thought they had the police in their pockets, working for them.
Well, you haven’t met Jack storm yet.
I took the last corner at speed, screeching my car to halt a short distance from Eden’s house. I saw three figures at her front door. One large, mean looking thug was landing a heavy kick on the door. I saw it buckle slightly, but the door somehow managed to hold against the blow.
I acted on instinct, grabbing my cell from my pocket and switching the camera on. I jumped from the driver’s seat, hand on my glock as I ran towards the scene, camera trailed on the trio.
I saw the largest of the three, Conall, casually approach the door. I centered my camera on him, edging closer to the scene unfolding in front of me.
“... last warning, Eden! Open this door, now!” He paused to look at his two henchmen, frowning angrily. Bloodshot eyes glared with uncontrolled rage.