Page 207 of Say Yes, Senator
What’s got him so pissed? Guess someone saw me in the area last night. There’s no way anyone saw me enter or leave though.
A chill entered my gut and I looked to my right at the houses over the other side of the road. Maybe he’s got eyes on her. Someone watching her house.
Sneaky fuck.
Conall cursed with rage, shouting almost intelligible threats at Eden through the half-broken door. He stepped back to take a run at it, steadying himself for a powerful blow that would probably shatter the locks or the hinges.
I was satisfied. I had enough to get a restraining order already. Intimidation and threats of violence, attempted entry against the will of the owner, who was at home nonetheless.
I walked towards the three. Two turned to look at me with their scarred, ugly visages. Their hands firmly grasped at the guns hidden in their pants.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Conall,” I said, loud and clear.
Conall turned to look at me. I remembered him from my past. He still had massive features, heavily muscled with a beer gut spreading across his waist. He was a couple inches taller and definitely a few pounds heavier than me.
But I was quick, clean. Sober. Dense muscles refined with years of working out, heavy sessions to build muscle. I wasn’t scared. I was confident.
“Ah, Jack. I was wondering when you’d turn up, you fucking snake. Haven’t you heard? I rule the streets, motherfucker!” he screamed, pointing a fat, huge finger toward me.
“No, Conall. You don’t. Animals don’t rule anything other than other animals,” I said, coldly. He snarled at me swiping his hand wildly in a gesture of arrogance and anger.
“I’ve got enough evidence to get a restraining order against you, Conall. You and your three goons, that is. Who, as far as I’m concerned, all took turns trying to kick the door in.” I looked at the three in turn.
One of them was a shade taller and even more heavily muscled than the others. Probably early forties. He wore a sleeveless leather jacket and white t-shirt adorned with a black skull and black jeans. His face reminded me of a shark's, small, black, cold eyes. Mean, sharp looking teeth.
“Who the fuck are you?” he said, frowning at me. “You better get outta here, boy. Before you get hurt. This is between Conall and Eden. Don’t stick your nose where it don’t belong.”
I turned to face the hulking figure.
“Oh, this is my business. I’m detective Jack Storm, and you chose the wrong day to fuck with Eden ‘cause I’m looking after her now. Anyone so much as glances at her funny and they’ll be behind bars. Trust me.” His eyes widened when he heard me say the word detective.
Yeah, you haven’t seen me before. I’m not one of those corrupt oldheads you’ve been dealing with.
“You ain’t got shit on me. If you did, I’d know about it! I got eyes everywhere!” He spat on the grass in front of him, reaching for something in his jacket pocket.
I tensed, hand ready at my glock.
He pulled out a pack of smokes and tapped one out, lighting it up casually.
“So, you been talkin’ to Eden? What’s she said? C’mon, Jack. I know you, you took my uncles down, and I ain’t forgotten. You tell me what she’s said, make a deal with me. Walk away. I’ll see you rolling in the green stuff in a week. A fucking week, man! We can work together!” He grinned at me, looking down at me through his red eyes.
What you mean is I’d be working for you, scumbag. Keeping the heat off you for a few hundred a week. Maybe a couple grand if you had a good one.
“No, Conall. You’ve hit a brick wall. I ain’t like those other cops you’ve been schmoozing. Get outta here before you give me cause to arrest you.” I slowly put my cell in my pocket. I kept my left hand in my trench coat. My right hand hovered carefully above the gun holstered at my hip. My eyes narrowed, concentrating. Waiting for a sign of movement…
The third guy spoke, grunting with derision. “You say you're a cop, right? Well, where’s your badge? Ain’t going nowhere until I’ve seen it.” He crossed his arms.
“Got my badge right here.” In a flash my glock was in my hand, aiming at his forehead. We were about fifteen paces away. Easy shot.
“And before either of you try anything stupid, let me tell you this. I’m the best and quickest shot in the state.” I looked calmly at the three, daring them to test me. If any of them moved now, they would be dead from instinct before I even had time to think.
Silence. All three froze, shocked at how quickly my gun was drawn.
“If any of you want to see if what I’m saying is true, try me. Reach for your shitty guns. Go on.” I nodded at them, willing them to draw their pistols.
Conall slowly raised his hands, palms facing outwards defensively.