Page 168 of 5+Us Makes Seven
I took a seat at the far end of the bar, turning my seat to face Alexandra and the girls at their table. My back was against the wall, and I put my feet on the footrest of the stool in front of me. It was surprisingly comfortable. I’d waited in much worse places for much longer, that was for sure.
My solitude was cut short as a smartly dressed and very professional barman quietly approached me. “What would you like, sir?” he asked with just a hint of a French accent.
“I’ll take a whiskey on the…with ice.” I paused to survey the vast array of whiskey lined up behind the barman. “A nice one. Not too expensive, but not too cheap.”
“Ah…American, yes?” the barman said, looking surprised. “I thought you were English. You look like a… like a big James Bond! No?” He smiled before turning to select a bottle of whiskey from the selection behind him.
“Thanks…” I said, not really knowing if it was a compliment.
A large whiskey was placed in front of me in a fancy tumbler. “Here you go, sir.” The barman left me to my drink as he went to attend to a middle-aged guy who’d taken a seat farther down the bar.
I leaned back against the wall, taking a large gulp of whiskey and grunting in pleasure at the taste and the gentle burn as it went down.
Nothing remotely interesting happened for the next half hour. I nursed my whiskey, knowing I might have to stretch two or three drinks out over the evening. All the while, I kept a nonchalant pose, trying to stay still and fade into the background.
I wasn’t paid much attention, apart from the wistful looks sent my way by a few older women at a table nearby, whom I ignored.
I consciously tried not to look at Alexandra too often, her beauty standing out in the middle of her two friends. She looked like she was enjoying herself immensely. Even her friends seemed to have loosened up, chatting, joking, and laughing with her.
A short while later, I ordered my second whiskey. As I did so, I saw a group of young men enter the restaurant. They walked toward the raised platform at the back of the restaurant, looking snottily down at the various diners seated at the lower tables as they did so. There were five of them, and they all looked sleazy and arrogant. They were all dressed similarly in tight shirts and skinny jeans with huge watches on their wrists. Two of them wore sunglasses, and one had on an all-too-revealing V-neck t-shirt that made me shudder.
Guess that’s what passes for fashion, these days, I thought, amused. Money just can’t buy you class…
All five of them ogled the girls as they approached their table. Olivia smiled back, Lucy pouted, and Alexandra looked pissed off.
I sensed trouble, knowing these guys would probably harass them if given half a chance. Olivia and Lucy would likely give them more than half a chance though, I suspected.
The five douches took seats around their table. Mr. V-Neck sat in the middle, looking like he might be the ring leader. He didn’t take his large, gold framed sunglass off, which made me dislike him even more.
I relaxed though, because I didn’t think they were any real danger. Plus, I could take them all down in a matter of seconds before anyone even knew what had hit them.
Still, I didn’t want any of them going near Alexandra. She was mine and after days of questioning myself, knew for sure that she wanted me too. So if any of those guys so much as touched her, they would be going home in a fucking ambulance.
Nothing happened for a while, the guys seeming to lose interest in anything other than the expensive drinks that they rudely ordered. I felt sorry for the young waitress serving them. She looked flustered at what were likely lewd comments from the guys, though I couldn’t make out what they were saying.
As the drinks continued to flow, their brash voices raised in volume as they tried to speak over each other. Visibly annoyed, the middle-aged couple decided to leave, their meals finished.
The American family looked like they were getting pissed off at the noise as well. Although they’d been a little loud themselves, they were respectful and hadn’t been disturbing anyone. After a while, the American mother approach the young guys at the table, I presumed to ask for a little peace and quiet while her family finished their meal. Some of her kids were quite young, a
nd probably a little too sensitive to what I could guess their conversations were about.
The guy in the V-neck said something, gesturing angrily, and his four sycophants laughed at the woman.
Right then and there, I could barely resist the urge to go and punch him right in his stupid sunglasses.
The massive doorman strode over to their table, glaring at the five of them. He said something quietly and gestured towards the door, giving them what looked like a last warning.
Bet they won’t say a fucking word now, I thought. And I was right about my measure of their character, as they suddenly turned into the sheepish little boys that they were.
The woman returned to her table, scolding all five young men as she did so. She certainly had balls.
The bouncer returned to the door, making an ‘I’m watching you’ gesture with his hand as he turned away.
I refrained from gesturing that I was watching them too.
When the family left a little while later, the guys immediately resumed their loud banter. The pack leader gestured rudely at a passing waitress, and then said something else, pointing to the girls’ table.
I glanced over, seeing that Alexandra, Olivia, and Lucy had finished their meals. The waitress returned with an expensive looking bottle of champagne for them, which made Lucy and Olivia beam and wink at each other. Alexandra, however, took a glass reluctantly when they handed it to her.