Page 169 of 5+Us Makes Seven
The five guys that had arrived a while ago had stared lewdly at us as they’d approached their table. To me, they looked disgusting, pretentious, and cocky. I hated them as soon as I’d seen them. Olivia and Lucy, on the other hand, loved the attention.
I looked over at Cruz sitting at the bar, a pleading look in my eyes. He was staring at the guys’ table to my left. Although I couldn’t quite make out his expression from where I was, his body language suggested that he wasn’t happy at all.
After a moment, he turned to look at me and nodded. I smiled, relieved that he was monitoring the situation.
“Really, you two?” I looked at my friends, exasperated. “Haven’t you had enough male attention for a week? Also, how are you going to handle five of them?”
“Oh, we can handle five. Or four, if you want to help us out…” Lucy said, her voice low.
Olivia poked me in the ribs. “You need a good seeing to. It might get you stop staring at him.” She gestured towards Cruz and my face grew warm.
I sighed. “I am not letting some disgusting sleazy douche put his hands all over me.”
I wanted a man. A big, strong man who knew what he was doing. Who could look after me…
“Whatever. We’re inviting them over.” Lucy got up, adjusted her dress, and walked slowly over to their table. From where I sat, I could see her butt peeking out as she leaned over the table, probably resting her chin on her hands and giving the boys an eyeful, no doubt. Their boisterous laughter and lewd compliments rang out from the table.
I inwardly cringed, knowing this was going to be awful. If one of them so much as touched me, I hoped Cruz would break his hand.
Lucy returned with the five guys in tow. “Okay, so this my friend Olivia and my other friend, Alexandra. She hasn’t had it in a while.”
One of the guys, wearing a low V-neck t shirt, whispered something in another’s ears, loud enough for all his friends to hear. They all laughed.
I frowned at them, my face burning in frustration and anger.
“Pleased to you meet you, ladies. What a nice surprise to find three beautiful young women so near our table. Let’s get some drinks, shall we?” the guy in the V-neck said. He was clearly the ringleader. He had an odd accent, a mix of French, British, and American. Though he was trying to sound like he had class, he just came across as a sleazebag.
Lucy scooched up next to me, and Olivia stood up to let the douche in. He slid around to sit next to me, entirely too close. I could smell alcohol on his breath and liberally applied aftershave on his skin. I took a large gulp of champagne, uncomfortable and wanting to be literally anywhere else.
“Hey, Alexandra. I’m Jordan.” He held out a manicured, spindly hand.
I shook it as quickly as I could. “Hi. Look, don’t listen to my friends. I’m not looking for anything, I’m afraid. I’m just here to have a quiet evening,” I said, hoping he would get the message.
“Oh, we’ll see about that!” He winked. I shuddered.
“Don’t worry. A few more drinks and I bet she’ll be well up for it!” his equally disgusting friend said in a strong British accent. So much for the stereotypical British gentleman.
“Excuse me?” I said, incredulous.
“Don’t worry, love. I’m just pulling yer leg.” He smiled crookedly, revealing bad nicotine-stained teeth.
I was fuming. One of the guys ordered a few more bottles of champagne. Crude conversation surrounded me. Jordan tried to chat me up, but I wasn’t remotely interested and tried my best to ignore him. Yet, he wouldn’t take a hint.
A while later, I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked at Jordan to find him grinning at me. His hands were small and feminine, his muscles were out of proportion to his skinny body, and he had a poor attempt at a beard growing in his childish face.
I pushed his hand away in disgust, rising to my feet. “I’m going to the bathroom,” I said, annoyed.
Olivia and Lucy chimed in, almost in unison. “We’ll join you. Won’t keep you waiting too long, boys.” They were having the time of their lives.
I hurried to the bathroom, the girls behind me. I was tempted to go and get Cruz, but I knew it would piss the girls off, so I considered just leaving them in the restaurant.
“What’s your problem, Alexandra?” Olivia said as she followed me into the bathroom. “They’re just being nice. Why can’t you lighten up for once?”
Lucy had her arms folded, looking annoyed at me. “He’s nice. And I bet he’s damn rich as well. Why don’t you give him a chance?”
“Because he won’t take no for an answer, that's why! You think he’s going to let me go back to my room alone when you’re each taking one or two back with you? You're disgusting, sometimes.”