Page 380 of 5+Us Makes Seven
Mom glared at him. “Roger! What’s up with you now? He came here to apologize and you’re acting like a strict sergeant with his subordinate. Cut him some slack.”
“I won’t because last night was the straw that broke the camel's back. You were crying, Ruth, for God’s sake! You didn’t sleep a wink.” He switched his gaze to me, making me shrink with regrets and guilt. “So I really hope you came to your senses, Bryce.”
I opened my mouth to answer, but Chloe was quicker. “Mr. Evander, I apologize for interfering into your family matters, but Bryce was terribly stressed these last few days. He was eager to spend time with you, but due to some circumstances at his work, he’s been stressed more than usual, so I hope you won’t take his harsh words to heart.”
I cupped her hand on her lap, grateful to her for defending me, but it was high time to tell the truth.
“Thank you for defending me, but it’s time for me to be completely honest.” I glanced between Mom and Dad, preparing myself to push the next words out of me.
“The truth is that I had ulterior motives in coming home. When you called me to spend your birthday with you, I was too busy planning to expand my business to even care about family time. I was completely focused on my latest project, so when you invited me to come, I immediately thought how to make the most out of my visit here. Since I was looking to buy a new hospital, I looked for any properties on sale in this area, and I found one, which was more than convenient.”
My parents seemed shocked, both of them completely silent, and I hoped I didn’t mess things up with my revelation.
“I’m sorry. I’m a jerk because I actually cared more about getting that goddamn hospital than being here with you, and it makes me feel like crap, which is why I want to apologize to you. I was completely wrong.”
My mother looked like she was on the verge of tears. She looked at my father, exchanging a forlorn gaze with him.
“I don’t know what to say, son,” Roger finally said. “We didn’t raise you to be like this. I can’t understand you because we’ve always ta
ught you that family comes first. When you started your first job, I could understand how busy you were because, after all, we all know how it feels when we get our head down and fully dedicate ourselves to work, but now? We haven’t seen you for months. You never call us. We didn’t even know you had a girlfriend.”
Their desponded stares made me miserable, and I cursed myself for being such a bad son. He was right—they didn’t raise me to treat them with disrespect.
“And I’m truly sorry now. I understand that I was horrible, and you didn’t deserve that at all. I want to change. I want to improve my relationship with you.”
My mom shook her head. “Then help us understand. What have made you like that?”
I ran my fingers through my hair, letting a long sigh out.
“I wanted to expand my business for so long. I think it started the moment my hospital began bringing me millions. I became greedy. The more I earned, the more I wanted money and power, and I completely disregarded all my previous dreams and ideals. So when the opportunity to buy a new hospital came, I didn’t want to waste it. I began looking for the hospitals that would bring me more money, which, frankly speaking, added to my stress and a long list of responsibilities I’ve already had.”
Ruth’s face scrunched up, her eyes filled with worry. “But why didn’t you talk about this with me? I would have helped you.”
“Because I thought it was the right thing to do. I didn’t even consider the possibility that I was making a wrong choice. But now I finally understand that I’ve completely forgotten why I started medicine in the first place. I understand that being a businessman won’t make me happy.”
I cast a glance at Chloe, expecting to see the approval on her face, bur for some reason it was expressionless.
“So what does this mean?” my father asked me.
“This means that I’m changing my plans. I’m not buying that hospital. I want to get back into research and less into business meetings and dealings with the board, which means I will stop being in charge of the hospital. I’m done with letting my work dictate my life.” I smiled at Mom.
“You were right. I did lose my vision and I was wasting my skills and time. I wanted to work with patients again and help many more with research. I’ve always loved medicine, and I want to do that and be happy again. Get back in the game.”
Mom grinned like a Cheshire cat, all ecstatic. “Oh Bryce! I’m so happy! That makes me so happy!”
She stood up and came to hug me. Her arms wrapped tightly around me. “I’m happy that you found your way, darling. You were the happiest when you were dealing with medicine, so knowing you’re going back to it, makes me so relieved. That is the right decision, and I believe you will be able to get back on track.” She straightened herself up, ruffling my hair like I was a little kid. “I’ll toast to that!”
I erupted into chuckles, watching her skim around the table and pick her glass up too animatedly. Dad didn’t look as serious as he was a few minutes ago, and even though he didn’t say a word, I knew he had forgiven me. Slowly, his lips curled up, forming a full smile, which was a weight off my shoulders.
We clinked our glasses, marking a start of a better future, when I looked at Chloe. A frown immediately replaced my smile when I noticed that she looked a little sad, avoiding my gaze.
She hadn’t said a word at all, never smiling, and I had no clue what was going on with her. Mom started chatting with her about the latest celebrity gossip, but Chloe gave her clipped answers, looking more down with each minute.
After birthday cake, Mom and Dad stood up and began dancing to some jazz song, oblivious to the change in Chloe’s mood. I decided to pull her aside and ask her what was wrong.
“I want to talk with you,” I told her.
She nodded and followed me into the kitchen, her eyes downcast.