Page 381 of 5+Us Makes Seven
“Okay, so you don’t seem like yourself, and you’re starting to worry me. What’s wrong?”
She twisted her hands in front of her, finally looking up to meet my gaze. “I know I’m acting selfishly, especially because this is something that will make you happy but... I don’t want you to stop being the president. I don’t want you to quit.”
Say what?
I knew I was maybe acting selfishly, but I couldn’t help it. I was happy for Bryce, especially since I noticed how much the emotional moment at the table meant to his parents, but it was clouded with my own worry.
Bryce was finally able to improve his relationship with his parents, and I hoped they would manage to resolve all their issues sooner rather than later, but did Bryce really need to quit his position?
If he stopped being in charge of the hospital, that would mean I would lose my job. I couldn’t lose this job. Working with Bryce was a huge step forward in my career, so if I lost my job I would go back to square one. I would have to go to countless interviews and hope to find something as nearly as good as the job I had now.
On top of that, I would have no reason to see Bryce anymore. I couldn’t delude myself for even a moment that he felt the same I felt. Yes, I attracted him, but what if that was all I was to him? What if his interest in me didn’t go beyond physical attraction? I was a damn good assistant, but he wouldn’t need me if he returned to medicine, so there was no reason for him to keep me by his side anymore.
I felt too gloomy to pretend in front of Ruth and Roger that everything was okay, so I forced the conversation with Ruth, barely aware of the things she was telling me.
“I want to talk with you,” Bryce told me as his parents danced together to the soothing sounds of the jazz song. I just wished their happy vibes could pass on to me, so I wouldn’t have to feel so grim about this whole situation with Bryce.
I nodded to him and followed him into the kitchen, unable to look him in the eyes.
“Okay, so you don’t seem like yourself, and you’re starting to worry me. What’s wrong?”
I’d known this was coming, but that didn’t make me any readier for this. I twisted my hands together, meeting his eyes. “I know I’m acting selfishly, especially because this is something that will make you happy but... I don’t want you to stop being the president. I don’t want you to quit.”
His face was a picture of pure surprise, which only made me feel worse. “What?” he asked.
“Please don’t get me wrong. I’m glad you were able to figure out what you really want, and I want you to be happy, but there is a part of me that is against your sudden decision. Is stepping down really necessary?”
“Why, Chloe?” he dodged my question with his own. “Why are you against my decision?”
I glanced away, looking around the neat, modern kitchen as I tried to come up with the right words.
“Because I’m worried I’ll be out of my job if you give up your responsibilities at the hospital. This job means a lot to me, and I don’t want to lose it.”
He closed the distance between us and took me by hands. “I assure you that you won’t lose your job. You just won’t necessarily work for me anymore.”
He sounded so sure, but it didn’t manage to convince me. “How can you know that?”
“I’ll make sure that you remain on your position after I withdraw from my position. You’re a good employee with a great resume to match, so they will see the same qualities I see in you.”
But what if he hired me mostly because he was attracted to me? I had always had a tiny thread of doubt in me, which told me that there was a big chance he wouldn’t hire me if he hadn’t liked me physically. What if the attraction played a big part in his decision to hire me? This would mean I didn’t actually have a particularly high value, and a new president would be able to sniff it out immediately.
“Don’t worry, Chloe. Believe me.” He raised my hand and placed a kiss on my palm, which sent a shiver down my spine. “I need this change in my life. I need to go back to what can really make me happy, and it would mean a lot to me if you could support my deci
sion because I care about your opinion a lot.”
He looked at me with expectation, waiting for me to agree with him. I was still worried, but I didn’t want to rain on his parade. After all, there was nothing I could do if he’d already made up his mind.
“I understand. I’ll support your decision.”
A bright smile decorated his face a moment before he pulled me in for a kiss. My lips parted instantly, my hands reaching out to him as our tongues met. I poured all my feelings into this kiss, knowing this could very well be one of our last moments together. Warmth spread through every single part of me, contrasting the increasing cold in my chest that reminded me I could very well end up without a job. And Bryce.
I wanted him to be happy. I truly did. But was there a place for me in his new life?
He pushed me against the counter and pressed his already hard dick against my mound, and I moaned into his mouth.