Page 229 of Two Weeks of Sin
“Darrel? That loser, really?” Angie wasn’t helping my mood. “Why would it matter if he defaulted on his loan, you two were not married.”
“I signed for him. It was in my name.”
Angie threw her arms up and turned away from me to pace the room. “How could you let that happen? You’re the older sister, the wiser one, right? Did our parent’s troubles not teach you anything?” Our parents’ financial issues caused lasting damage to our family.
“I know, I’m stupid, okay. Reminding me of that now isn’t going to help things, especially since the stupid bike shop he bought the thing from is right next door.” I said with defeat.
“That’s the same shop he bought it from? Wow.” Barney scratched his neck and shook his head, as if he were speechless for the first time in his life.
“I’ve looked all over for other options, but this was the only one I could afford. So now every time I hear those bikes, I can think of the worst decision of my life. Happy?”
Angie stopped her pacing. “Enough, you two.” She took a deep breath and then turned to face me. “How much do you have for the sink?”
“I have the money, but it’s all I have. If I don’t make enough opening week I might not last a month. That money was my safety net.”
“A sink can’t be that much.” Barney stared at his feet which were too hairy for the flip flops he wore.
“Do you know how to install a sink, Barney?” I knew the answer to that so I didn’t wait on his reply. “Do you know how much it will cost for labor?”
“Well, we’ll help if we have to.” My sister’s reluctant tone told me they really didn’t have it either.
“No, It’s my shop, so I’ll figure it out. I want to do this on my own.” After my last relationship, where I’d made every damn financial decision with Darrel’s approval, it was time to stand on my own two feet.
I could see the relief on my sister’s face. “Well, let us know if we can help.”
I took a deep breath and tried to focus. “I still have the drain and a light fixture to worry about if you two think you’re up for it. I’ll get on the phone and call around. Surely someone will come install a sink on a Saturday.”
“For the right price,” said Barney. My sister nudged him and gave me an apologetic look.
Barney left the room and went out back towards the dumpsters to mill around and my sister apologized again for him. “He means well.”
“I know. That really rubbed me about the location though. It’s not like I didn’t try to do better.” I glanced out the window to see the bike shop next door and Angie walked up beside me. Her arm fell around my shoulders and she leaned in to get a good look at the place.
“Maybe the owner will be some big, hot slice of man who’s single and looking for a hot lady that knows how to bake.” She wagged her brows as I shook my head.
“No way. Those biker types are all the same and I swore off bad boys after Darrel. Besides, I have no time to date. The shop is my only love at the moment.”
“Who said anything about dating? Maybe he’ll come over and eat your muffin?” She gave me a nudge and we laughed. My sister came off as a prim and proper type, but she had a foul streak that was reserved for certain people. She and I had always joked around like that.
“I don’t think so. He’s probably some greasy old man anyway.” No thanks.
“I wouldn’t be so sure. It can’t help to get along with him regardless.” She had a point. I wondered for a moment if the guy knew how to do more than work on bikes. Maybe he could install a sink?
“I plan on being friendly, I just don’t think I’m ready for any sort of relationship. Darrel did a number on me and it’s just too soon.”
“It isn’t too soon. You guys broke up almost a year ago. You need to have some fun in your life too. Something that isn’t also described as work. I think you should walk over there and check him out. And if he’s hot, invite him over sometime for a warm slice of pie.”
We were both laughing as Barney came in. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” we said in unison. We shared another laugh and then went back to work knowing Monday was approaching fast.
Heather leaned over my work bench and glanced back at me. The hungry look in her eyes told me she was interested in more than an estimate. I wiped the grease from my hands and tucked the rag into the pocket of my loose-fitting jeans. “Looking for something?”
She giggled and tilted her ass upward, showing me all she could in her tight, shredded jeans. “I’ve got something that needs fixing and I’m willing to bet you’ve got the proper tool for it.” Her gaze slid down my body and by the time she met my eyes again I’d stepped closer.
“I’m sure I do, but I thought I told you the last time we can’t be doing this here, no matter what kind of twisted fantasies you have. This is a respectable place of business.” We’d met two months ago when she’d brought her boyfriend’s bike in to be repaired. They’d gotten in a hell of a fight when they came to pick it up, which ended with me driving her home after giving her a shoulder to cry on—as well as what she called the orgasm of her life.