Page 230 of Two Weeks of Sin
She tossed her red hair and batted her heavily shadowed lids across her big blue eyes. “It didn’t stop you the last two times.” She slowly worked down her jeans, leaving her black lace panties in place. The curve of her ass peeked out above the jeans sending a direct message to my cock.
I closed the distance between us, standing behind her as she twisted her torso to kiss me. She liked taking it from behind; she liked a lot of things. Who was I not to oblige?
Her lips crushed against mine, soft but hungry. I gripped her ass, slipping my thumbs inside the straps at her hips where I could pull them down in one swift motion.
With one hand I felt her ass, rubbing soft circles as I worked my way between her legs and into her folds. The other worked on my zipper. She snaked her hand back and fished inside my clothes for my cock which she gripped tightly, giving it a nice firm stroke. My breath hissed between my teeth and I slapped her ass hard causing her to yelp and giggle.
I fisted my hand in her hair as she cried out “Yes.” Then I placed my hand on her hip, positioning myself at her entrance which was soaked from need.
“You’re a hungry little slut, today aren’t you?” I growled the words into her ear the way she liked it and she nodded.
“Yes, I’m so very hungry.” She nudged back against me as I thrusted hard, taking it to her depths in one long stroke.
There was no pause for her to adjust as I pumped my hips back and forth in a fast steady rhythm. Her tits bounced against my counter, hard nipples grazing the tools I’d left scattered, the chill of their metal no doubt assisting her pleasure.
I kept my hand twisted in her hair, but loosened it enough to hold her throat too. “Please,” she begged and I knew what she wanted from the last time we’d done this, when she’d begged me to choke her.
I applied a bit of pressure against her neck and the orgasm ripped through her in waves that had her knees collapsing and knocking together as she soaked me. She screamed through her first orgasm so loud I covered her mouth in case anyone happened to be lingering outside.
I was lost in the pleasure of round two when a buzz sounded from out front. “Fuck.” If it had been Monk, my right hand man, he would have walked right in from the back door, so it had to be a customer.
Heather pouted as I jerked my cock from her and quickly pulled up my pants. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” The saucy tone to her voice had disappeared.
“Give me a second, would you.” I wasn’t asking. I hurried out front where a scrawny little man in a suit waited with a smug expression. He perused the room, checking out the bikes and the ads on the wall. “Can I help you?”
The man turned around and his eyes widened. “Yes, are you Hunter Miller?” There was something off about the guy and it wasn’t only the fact that he didn’t belong in my shop, he
seemed to be on official business.
“Yeah, who wants to know?” There was a crash in the back room and Heather’s voice sounding out an “Oops” in the distance.
The man’s brow piqued and then, with a shaky hand, he passed me a letter he found in his coat pocket. I snatched it from him as he cleared his throat. “Consider yourself served, sir, and have a nice day.” He turned and hurried out like his ass was on fire.
“Fuck.” I ripped open the paper wondering what kind of trouble I was in. I hadn’t gotten a parking ticket in years, had no problems paying my bills, and didn’t do any shady deals. But one name stuck out on the paper that explained everything. Nancy.
At that moment I was convinced the devil was a woman. My evil ex-girlfriend and mother of my daughter had lost her damned mind and decided to sue me for custody. I went back to the garage where Heather waited, still standing bare-assed across the room. “It’s about time.” She rolled her eyes and turned to the counter, leaning over as if to resume where we had left off.
“Party’s over. It’s time to leave.”
Heather poked out her bottom lip, but then a stupid smirk played around her lips. “Aw, did you lose your stiffy, baby? I can fix that for you?” She licked her lips and reached down to pull up her panties and jeans.
“I said it’s time to go.” She shook her head like I was kidding and closed the distance, reaching for my zipper.
I grabbed her wrist. “I’m sorry to end the fun - but it’s a bad time. You need to leave.”
She turned and raked my tools off the counter. “Fuck you, asshole.” She hit the door running as if I’d come after her, but she didn’t mean anything to me.
I glanced at the letter again. Court was scheduled for Tuesday. Four days. My luck wasn’t getting any better. Not only did that leave me no time to plan, but I had a bike build that was due for one of my biggest clients. I’d have to get Monk to help out, which would pull him off his own build. It wasn’t like I had a damn choice. I had to go there and fight for my little girl.
A crashing noise out back got my attention and I went to look out the window to see who was there. It had to be a person. No animal could make that much racket. I peeked out and found that the neighbors were throwing away their trash. The guy outside was some dumpy little fuck in flip flops who could barely lift the bags he carried to the dumpster.
Sure he was probably a nice guy for all I knew. But since I had learned the space next door had been leased when I’d gone to the owner to secure it for myself, I had a bitter taste in my mouth. I’d planned to use it for my expansion project. And as if my luck wasn’t horrible enough, the new owners were opening a prissy ass pastry shop. Not a tattoo parlor or pub, which would be beneficial to my business, no— a fucking bakery.
I watched as the man heaved the bags up over his head and then a woman joined him. I couldn’t be lucky enough to have a hot, single blond next door. Nope, looked like another happy couple.
I went to the peg where my jacket hung and tucked the letter into the inside pocket. After feeling my phone, I took it out to glance at the time. Tani’s sweet little face flashed across the screen as it lit to life, so on a whim I grabbed my jacket and shrugged it on.
It was still a bit early to close shop, but I grabbed my keys and bee-lined for my bike. If I timed things right I could get to my Mother’s as soon as she returned from picking up Tani from school. With the mood I was in, all I wanted was to know my daughter was safe. I needed to figure out what I could do to stop Nancy from ruining my girl’s life by taking custody—only to have a one-up on me. Of course, it had zero shits to do with a sincere concern for her daughter. I wanted Tani to have a relationship with her mother. A girl needs a mother figure in her life, but somehow Nancy always fucked things up. It was a sad reality, but Nancy was an alcoholic and her main priority was getting her fix, beyond anything or anyone else.