Page 39 of Good Girls Don't Kiss and Tell (Rock Canyon, Idaho 7)
“Ha, no. Even if he did, I’d put him in his place. That man loves me.”
Her total confidence made Gracie grimace. What would it be like to have a love like that? Something you knew was real and going to last?
“That’s good, because I don’t think I want him pissed at me.”
They moved across the icy ground, and Gracie was seriously reconsidering the boots she was wearing. As cute as they were, they weren’t exactly slip resistant. She felt as though she was ice skating across the parking lot.
When they pushed through the door, Grant Henderson stood off to the side, arms crossed over his chest.
“You got some ID, lady?”
Gracie narrowed her eyes at Eric’s little brother. He had the same dark hair and eyes as his brother, but while Eric shaved his head, Grant kept his to his shoulders. He was a few inches shorter and leaner than his brother, who was built like a wall, but he still had the same devilish twinkle in his eye.
“Get bent, Grant.”
Grant grinned. “That’s not a nice way to talk to the guy who decides whether or not you get to stay.”
“Ask your brother if I can stay, and see what he says.”
Grant’s forehead furrowed. “Why the hell would Eric care?”
“Ask him and see.”
With a flip of her hair, Gracie walked farther into the bar. She could feel Caroline’s gaze on her, and she turned to meet her quizzical look.
“You got something you want to tell me?”
Gracie spotted Eric behind the bar, pouring a line of shots for a bunch of girls wearing party hats and boas, noting how delicious he looked in his green flannel shirt. Ellie Willis came around the bar with a tray in her hand and put her hand on Eric’s shoulder.
Ellie was twenty-three, curvy like ScarJo, and tall. Her long dark hair was striped with highlights and her hazel eyes were outlined with smoky liner. She was hot. Gracie could admit it freely.
And as she watched Eric smile and say something that made Ellie laugh, Gracie’s skin prickled with irritation.
And he was giving me shit about other guys?
“Who are you scowling at?” Caroline asked.
“Your sister flirting with Eric.”
Caroline’s gaze flicked towards her sister, clearly confused. “So? Ellie flirts with everyone, and besides, don’t you hate Eric?”
Caroline’s words sank in, and she realized this was a golden opportunity to set their plan in motion.
“Not anymore.” She tossed Caroline a sly grin as she came around the back of the bar. Ellie saw her coming, and her eyes widened.
“Hey, Gracie.”
Eric had his back to her, but when he heard her name, he turned. Gracie mustered up all her high school drama geek mojo and wrapped her arms around Eric’s waist, plastering her body against his.
“Hi, baby,” she purred. “Miss me?”
* * *
Eric had spent the whole night being flirted with by a bunch of barely twenty-one-year-olds and pouring enough drinks to give him carpal tunnel. So, when Ellie had come up to him asking him to knock off early, he couldn’t help but laugh.
“Girl, you can leave anytime you want. Doesn’t mean you’ll have a job in the morning.”