Page 40 of Good Girls Don't Kiss and Tell (Rock Canyon, Idaho 7)
Ellie put her hand on his shoulder and batted those long eyelashes at him. “Aw, come on, Eric. Don’t you remember what it was like to be young?”
Eric raised an eyebrow. “You calling me old?”
Ellie laughed. “No way. I’d call you distinguished.”
Eric grunted. Suddenly, Ellie’s eyes widened at something over his shoulder.
“Hey, Gracie.”
Eric turned in time to watch Gracie walk toward him. She was wearing a pink peacoat and black high heeled boots, but he couldn’t tell what she was wearing beneath.
And man, his imagination ran wild thinking about it.
Her arms wrapped around his waist, and as she greeted him like they were already lovers, her glossy pink lips open in invitation, his brain turned to mush.
Her hands slid up his back, and she must have gone up on her tiptoes because she was several inches taller.
“Aren’t you going to kiss me?” she whispered.
Then it dawned on Eric: this was the moment. They were setting their plan in motion.
He bent his head and brushed her lips with his, chaste compared to what he’d delivered in front of Mike. It was still as though his mouth was skimming a lightning bolt, but instead of frying his skin, it was a pleasant burn that traveled down his body and settled in his cock.
Eric hadn’t even realized his hands were cradling the back of her head until she pulled away, licking her lips. “Have you been drinking on the job, barkeep?”
“A couple of girls bought me a shot.”
When she spanked his ass, he actually jumped. “Bad boy. I’m the only one who can get you drunk.”
The urge to grab her rear in retaliation was strong, but he was suddenly aware of the quiet of the room, except for the band on stage. He turned to find the entire bar staring at them, some with wide-open mouths and others with looks of pure delight.
Deciding to hell with it, he was there to give the town a show, he grabbed her ass, satisfied when she squirmed against him.
“As soon as I’m
off, baby, you can have me anyway you want me.”
Gracie’s cheeks turned red, and she laughed. “You really are bad.” She pulled away from him. “I’ll let you get back to work.”
He pointed at her and growled, “Don’t go too far.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
His gaze followed her as she rounded the bar and walked back over to a stunned Caroline.
Eric nearly fell over when Ellie elbowed him in the side. “Dude! You’re dating Gracie McAllister? Since when?”
He shrugged, and waved the next patron up. He figured he should wait until they got their stories straight before he said anything specific.
“What can I get you?”
* * *
“No way! No fucking way!” Caroline said loudly, despite Gracie’s insistent shushes. The two of them were sitting at a booth, drinking margaritas and sharing a plate of chili cheese fries, but Caroline was still going on about Gracie and Eric after ten minutes.
“Why is it so hard to believe? Everyone else in this town had been expecting us to hook up. So why not you?” Gracie had shrugged out of her peacoat and pushed up the sleeves of her low-cut black sweater, afraid of getting cheese and beans on it.
“Because I actually believed you when you said you disliked, despised, loathed—”