Page 43 of Master of Comus
Jake grinned. 'Paul hadn't even met you before he went to Comus. Yet he married you almost at once, and since you're his cousin I suspect the idea emanated from old Argon. Keep the money in the family--shrewd business sense.'
'Is that what everyone thinks?'
'I imagine so. Paul has been a bachelor gay for years. He was generally reckoned to be marriage- proof. His rapid marriage to the only other heir to all that money could have only one explanation.' Jake studied her curiously. 'Were you in love with him before you married him? Or did that happen afterwards?'
Leonie gave him a slight smile. 'Do you really expect me to answer that?'
Jake laughed. 'Perhaps not. There's only one other question I would like to know the answer to ... do you and Paul sleep together?'
Hot colour flooded her face. 'Honestly, you have the cheek of the devil!'
Jake watched her face intently. 'My guess is'
Her lids fluttered, and a slight smile touched her mouth.
Jake drew in his breath sharply. 'On the other hand, maybe I'm wrong...' She looked up in surprise, and he met her eyes soberly. 'Paul takes no chances, does he? Under that playboy exterior the Caprel blood tells. He bolted the stable door before the horse could escape.'
'You really shouldn't say such things to me,' she protested quickly, her cheeks flaming.
'I'm only talking to myself,' he said lightly. 'I wonder if I'm right, though. When we first met at the flat Paul's violent reaction towards me left me slightly puzzled. After I'd thought about it for a while, though, it occurred to me that if the marriage was, as we all suspected, an arranged one, Paul might well feel nervous about any other man taking an interest in you. If you were not sleeping together there would be no problem if one of you wanted to dissolve the marriage. Naturally, in those circumstances, Paul was on edge, so he lost no time in altering the situation. In his place I'd have done the same.'
'You make it sound very cold-blooded,' she said faintly, her lips trembling. Wasn't that exactly what it had been? A cold-blooded decision by Paul to ensure her own fidelity?
Jake drew up outside the flat, switched off the engine and turned to look gently at her. 'Only you know the truth. I was merely speculating. I'm flying back to England today. If ever you need a disinterested friend get in touch.' He met her eyes quietly. 'I mean just that—a friend. No strings, no consequences.'
She was touched. 'Thank you.'
'You have an integrity I find very attractive,' he said in an offhanded way. 'A word of advice? If you want Paul, forget the rules. Play to win.'
Leonie laughed. 'I'll have to see. I'm not sure I would want to win that way.'
Jake's face tightened. He took one of her hands, lifted it to his lips and kissed the back with bent head for a moment.
Pulling her hand away, Leonie hurriedly got out of the car and almost ran into the building, her pulses beating fast. Just for that second, something inside herself had reacted instinctively towards Jake, and she was alarmed. She began to see why Paul had been afraid when Jake showed an interest in her. Jake was dangerous.
She found her key, fitted it into the lock and was turning it when the door was flung open and she found herself confronting Paul; Paul in a mood she did not recognise, with tightened lips and blazing eyes. The air crackled with menace as they faced each other.
'I WAS watching from the window,' he said between tight teeth. Very touching, the way Jake kissed your hand. He wasn't here all night, I suppose?'
'What a foul accusation!' She stiffened with rage. 'I'm not one of your promiscuous, bed-hopping lady-friends!'
He pulled her through the door, slammed it behind them and leaned over her, his tall figure looming threateningly, his glittering eyes pinning her like a butterfly to the wall.
'I seem to remember I had no trouble getting you into bed,' he snarled.
Her hand shot up, slapped him hard across his smiling face. The sound seemed to echo between them endlessly.
Paul put up a hand slowly to his cheek. 'You little vixen!'
'You deserved it,' she said huskily.
After a moment of silence, while their eyes warred, he asked, 'How long have you been with Jake?'
'A few hours. He asked me out for a drink. I was bored and lonely. You hadn't rung, I had no idea where you were, or what you were doing.' Her eyes lifted, accusing him silently. T only knew you were with Diane all night.'
'Whose husband is dangerously ill,' he pointed out icily.