Page 44 of Master of Comus
'Whose husband may die leaving her free to marry again,' she shot back angrily.
'My God, women can be cold-blooded at times!' he said bitterly.
'We aren't the only ones!' Leonie thought of him making love to her simply to make sure she did not encourage Jake. How dare he call her cold-blooded!
'I told you never to go out with Jake,' he snapped.
'You don't own me! I'm free to do as I please. What did you expect? That I should sit here like a Victorian wife waiting for my lord and master to deign to come home? Why didn't you ring me?
'I meant to,' he said, restlessly. 'I just never had the time. Diane was in such a state, I hardly dared to leave her for a moment.'
'You managed to ring Carl and give him the news!'
He flushed. 'Yes. Diane asked me to ring Carl because George had an appointment with him today and Carl had to be told why George wouldn't keep it.'
'But she wouldn't let you ring me, of course,
Leonie said flatly.
Their eyes met. Paul flushed. 'She-was distraught. I couldn't do anything which would upset her any more...'
'I didn't matter, anyway, did I? Only Diane mattered.'
He caught her shoulders. 'It wasn't like that.'
'What was it like? Tell me. I'm sure you can think up a very plausible excuse if you try.'
'Oh, for God's Sake,' he said, turning away. 'George is so ill, I had to humour her.'
'How did you manage to get away now? I'm surprised she let you go.'
'Her sister arrived from Nice and took charge. She made Diane take a sleeping pill and go to bed.'
'I'm sure you could have managed to get Diane to bed without the aid of sleeping pills,' she flung.
'Don't talk like that!'
'You accused me of spending the night with Jake on far more slender evidence,' she reminded him.
He looked at her, frowning. 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I know it was a ridiculous suggestion ...'
'Oh, I don't know,' she retorted. 'As you said, Jake is very attractive.'
Paul came softly towards her, menace in every line. He took her chin in his hand and lifted her face towards him, his blue eyes as bright and cold as sapphires. 'Don't torment me, Leonie. I'm not the man to stand for it.'
She remembered Jake's advice to play to win. Excitement made her whole body shiver. Softly, she said, 'Do I torment you, Paul?'
'Leonie...' Her name was sighed out so faintly she barely heard it. He released her and turned away. Standing with his back to her, he said, 'It must wait.'
She watched him. 'What must?'
He shrugged. 'I have to get back to the hospital in an hour. George has recovered consciousness and is asking for his solicitor. He was in the process of changing his will, it seems, and he wants to sign the new one. He has named me one of the executors and he wants me present when he signs.
'Oh.' she sighed. 'George isn't going to die, is he?'
'I hope not. He's lived through the first twenty- four hours after the attack and that's a good sign, apparently. With care he should pull through, but he'll never be able to run his business as he used to—he'll have to take it easy in future. God knows how he'll take that news. He's never been able to delegate. He's always overworked. I don't know if George knows how to rest.' 'Poor George!'
'Yes, poor George,' Paul agreed. 'I think I'll take a shower and then have a meal. Is there anything to eat?'