Page 146 of American Honey
“You stubborn asshole. You are gorgeous, Tess. Dress up a bit with me.”
“I can do a bit. Jeans, this white blingy, black tank top and my Toms.”
“Whoa, pardoner! Don’t overdo it. Jesus, I mean really tone it down, Slutty Sarah.”
“I’m doing tight on top and bottom and throwing in some bling with this tank, so suck it bitch.”
“I’ll give you that, I guess. Hair and makeup is mine,” Scarlett declares.
I’ve kept my hair a dull brown that hangs halfway down my back. Messy buns and headbands are my best friends. Scarlett always begs to do my hair and on rare occasions, I let her have her fun with it, but only to stay in the dorms and study. Scarlett, too, has long, brown hair. The only difference is hers is always shiny, well colored with highlights and done to a tee. I swear the girl can wake up with it in perfect condition. She has her bump and back comb down to a science. The girl can fix up like no other.
“Hold still. Just a couple more sprays of this shining oil,” Scarlett growls, as she continues to plaster the finishing touches on my hair.
I’ll never admit to her, but damn the girl can work magic. She has my dull locks shined up and placed perfectly. Her signature bump has it going on the top of my head, with my bangs pulled back and a side braid trailing over my shoulder. She finished her work with a turquoise and white beaded headband wrapped around my forehead. She’s also bathed me in a fine, smelly, glittery body spray. Like I said, I’ll never admit how magical she is, and I’ll also never tell anyone, deep down, I sure do hope I get the chance to run into Finn tonight.
“These, please?” Scarlett asks one final time, holding up the little white pair of shorts again.
“Not a fucking chance. This glitter and shiny hair are about enough to put me over the edge.”
“You are such a liar,” she counters.
“Am not. My skin is crawling.”
“Yeah, crawling with delight. I saw you checking yourself out in the mirror. You’re hot and you know it. Now, let’s go flaunt it. I’m horny as fuck tonight.”
“Let’s go,” I say between giggles.
The girl can read me like an open book. She’s right, I’m hot, and I feel hot. Will and Tommie are eating their takeout pizza as we enter the room. Will nearly chokes at the sight of us and Tommie lets out an audible gasp.
“What?” I ask.
“It smells like a whorehouse in here,” Will says.
Tommie elbows him in the gut and begins to talk, “You. You look. Dammit, I’m sorry. You look like the Tessa, I remember. Well, your hair is a little different, but you look beautiful and kind of happy.” Tommie finishes as the tears start to stream down both her cheeks.
“Oh, good gravy, she’s just going out to either A, make Finn jealous or B, get nailed in the closet again,” Scarlett pipes, as she snags a slice of pizza from the box.
My stomach is too nervous to eat, but as if in slow motion, I watch the only family I know sit around and laugh about the old Tess coming out to play while eating pizza. It warms my heart to hear and see this all play out before me, and at the same time it breaks the already shattered pieces of it again and again. Over and over in slow motion. Once a heart is put back together the only thing left to do is shattered it again and again. I need to remember my lesson. It was taught to me years ago.
“Tess. Tessss,” Tommie’s voice drags me from my thoughts.
“You okay, sweetie?” She asks.
“Great,” I lie between my teeth.
The answer isn’t completely a lie. I’m great, but scared to death, intimidated by Kara, head over heels for Finn and terrified of the outcome.
Tommie makes her way to me and wraps me up.
“Don’t make me cry, asshat,” I warn her.
“I’m not. I just want to tell you something, Tessa. I’m so proud of you. I don’t care what happens tonight or if things work or don’t work out with Finn. Just bring back that Tess Tickle Sparkle that Daddy always bragged about. He loved you. Momma loved you. Will and I love you. Get your sparkle back. I’ll have four slices of pizza waiting for us in the fridge tomorrow morning just the way Momma always did on pizza nights. Two pieces wrapped and put on separate plates for us. Scooby-Doo plate for me and Smurfette for you. Make me proud, little sis.”