Page 147 of American Honey
“Can you trampettes get your asses out of my house. You’re stinking it up,” Will yells.
“Ahh, kiss my culo,” I holler back to Will.
“Be good, girls.” Are the last words we hear as we slam the door and make it to my truck.
“They really do love you, Tess. You should let go of all your fears,” Scarlett says.
“I know. Now, let’s get our Miranda Lambert on, biotch.”
Cranking up the radio, I drive carefree and happy-ish to the G Spot. I’m at the point in my life, whatever will happen will happen. Hearts are made to be broken, and you’ll never know if the person is really worth the fight until you pour every ounce of your soul into them. I’m ready.
Walking into the G Spot, I remember why pants and a hot Iowa night is not a good combo. It’s beyond humid and hot in the crowded bar with bodies everywhere. Some standing, others sitting and some already drunken girls grinding on each other on the dance floor to Jason Aldean is the scene that lies before us. They definitely know what they are doing as a quite large crowd of men are giving them plenty of attention with catcalls and stares.
“Shots now,” I yell in Scarlett’s ear.
As soon as the words leave my lips, I see him. Finn is in the group of guys admiring the girls on the dance floor. I’m not quite fast enough, and we lock eyes. Scarlett pulls me away before I make too big of a fool of myself.
“What do you want?” She hollers, as I scramble back trying to find Finn in the crowd.
The sea of bodies are too much, and the sight of him is gone. I’m sure by now he’s in the closet with one of the girls from the dance floor.
“Holy shit,” I holler.
Grabbing Scarlett by the elbow and dragging her down, I begin to holler, “One of those girls on the dance floor was Kara. Finn was there watching her.”
Scarlett seems amused by the story and something beyond me has her really intrigued.
“Did you hear a word I said? Finn’s here and watching Kara,” I try yelling over the music
“I hear you. What shot do you want?” She asks with a wicked smile and an odd eye twitch.
Scarlett thinks she can wink, but really she looks like the entire right side of her face is spazzing, but it never stops her.
“I don’t see him anymore. They are probably back in our closet and I’m sure he’s dragging that tongue of his up her legs,” I scream trying to make Scarlett understand how very pissed off I am at the whole situation.
In this moment, I know I’ve fucked something up. Scarlett begins to mouth the word “abort” our signal word to abort mission and begins to wave her hand at her neck the second signal to shut the fuck up immediately.
“She wants a Copper Camel shot and then a crown and coke. You in too?”
Turning, I see Finn standing right behind me pointing at Scarlett waiting for her to agree on the drink order.
“Um, sure, that’ll be great,” she barely squeaks out before running for the bathroom.
Finn grabs me by the hips and turns me to face the bar again. I can feel every single part of him as he press
es against me. His scent instantly invades my nostrils. From the quick glimpse of him I got, it looks like he just jumped off the tractor and headed in for a beer. Loose jeans, white tee and a ballcap with his long scruffy hair hanging out of.
“What were you saying about my tongue?” He asks, as he drags his tongue from the base of my neck to the back of my ear.
His hands move from my hips to the front of my stomach, he uses them to pull me back into him. My ass doesn’t miss a beat and begins to grind on him to the music while we wait to order.
“I WILL only be going into that closet with you. Do you hear me?” Finn hisses in my ear.
I slowly nod my head up and down as I continue to move my hips in circles against the front of him. Finn grabs both of my arms, raising them above my head and settling them on the back of his neck. My hands instantly clasp and my body enjoys the feel of him everywhere.
“Hey, dickweed, what can I get you? “