Page 148 of American Honey
Finn raises his head and chuckles. “Two Copper Camels and three crown and cokes, asshole. Oh hey, this is Tess. Tess, this is my bastard of a brother, Wes.”
“Hi,” I barely squeak out ready to die from embarrassment.
Instantly, I try to free my hands that have glued to Finn, but he stops me. I try to step away to allow some air to flow between us, but he just gets closer.
“I’m not letting go,” he whispers in my ear.
“Where did your smoking friend with the huge tits go?” Wes hollers, as he makes the drinks.
“Sorry, he’s a bit vulgar, Tess,” Finn offers.
Spinning around in his arms, I say, “Well then you’ve no idea how perfect he and my friend with big tits are for each other.”
Once again we find ourselves drowning in the pool of people, music and humidity. The words of a song about being hard to love swirl around in the air. Finn hasn’t once looked away from my face.
“I’m going to kiss you right here and right now,” he whispers to me.
“I’m not going anywhere,” I say stealing his words from earlier.
I watch, memorizing the look on his face and every single one of his features burn me as he lowers himself to me. One of my hands holds his face, preparing me for the feel of his skin on me again. It’s only been days, but feels like years since Finn has been on me.
Before his lips reach mine, we both hear, “Finn.”
Neither of us have to look to know it’s Kara making her way to us, and she does it with a grand gesture. If I thought I was sparkly tonight she puts me to shame easily. Booty shorts and a sequin top with gorgeous wedge sandals. The kind I used to love to wear. With huge hair and painted on makeup, she looks stellar. I instinctively back away from Finn hoping to make a quick and clean exit.
“Finn, c’mon the whole gang from high school is here. We want a group pic and need you of course.”
The harder I tug away from him the tighter Finn clutches my wrist. The pain is unbearable, almost causing me to scream. This is a clear sign that my heart is neither ready nor willing to be shattered again.
“Finn,” I hiss.
“I’m not letting go.”
“Stop, please. You’re hurting me.”
My words cause Kara to look down at our joined hands and the proximity of our bodies. And as if clear as day, a light bulb goes off in her tiny little brain, her fake persona and willingness to act as a friend instantly vanishes as she realizes what she just stepped into.
“Well, Tess, right? I barely recognized you all dressed up with your hair done and everything. Well, I guess if you can call wearing jeans in a bar that’s over a hundred degrees dressed up. Makeup, hairspray and a little glitter sure do a lot for you.”
“Kara, enough,” Finn roars.
I finally catch him just enough off guard to rip my hand from his and make my escape. He hollers my name a couple of times before the sounds of the bar drown out his voice. I mentally will myself not to cry, not to shed even one small fucking tear, but after all, the truth is hard to handle when spoken out loud. Kara might as well cut off my other leg with her words. She nailed every single one of my insecurities in front of Finn, and the bitch knows it.
Finally, I spot Scarlett sitting at a table with Wes on the opposite side of the bar. Peeking over my shoulder, I see Finn and Kara with the group all getting ready to pose for their picture and actually mentally send up a silent prayer of thanks.
“We were wondering how long it would take you two to notice us over here with the drinks,” Scarlett says.
“Where’s Finn?” Wes asks.
“Where he belongs,” I scream over the music.
Wes must be the owner of the bar. I remember Will telling me more in depth the other night all the different businesses the Evans’ own. There was one brother lower on Finn’s dads shit list and that must be Wes. I can see how owning a bar called the G Spot could land you there.
The table is lined with four shots and four more whiskey drinks. Without asking or showing any emotion, I down all four shots. The look on Scarlett and Wes’ face is priceless, and if I was in a better mood or place in my life, I might laugh.
“This one is mine, right?” I ask then pick up a crown and coke and chug it.
“Everything okay, Tess? Where’s Finn?” Scarlett asks.