Page 149 of American Honey
“With Kara and his class, where he belongs.”
The alcohol begins working its magic, allowing me to loosen up and give no fucks. A loud thumpin’ western tune begins to blare through the speakers, reminding me just why I wanted to come here. In the booth behind me, I spot a very large and muscular blonde. We make eye contact, and I nod towards the dance floor. No words are exchanged as he grabs me by the waist dragging me out to the dance floor.
“Not a good idea,” I hear Wes say.
Clearly, his version of not a good idea is a perfect one to me. The stranger and I dance for a couple of songs. His hands roam all over my body as mine do the same. Even at one point, his lips are grazing the skin on my neck. His lips don’t produce the same sensation or feeling, but I’ve caught Finn watching several times, so I don’t give a fuck at this point.
“Thanks for the dances,” I say, as I finally peel away.
Wes and Scarlett are still at the table talking like two long lost friends. The look each of them hold in their eyes doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know what they both want.
“Three more shots and I’ll pass out in the backseat of my truck and you two can fuck all you want, deal?”
Scarlett tries her best to look shocked by my words, but, deep down, I know she is mentally cheering and hoping the deal is sealed. Wes has a mean poker face.
“Fine, assholes. I’ll get my own shots and then we will leave.”
Making my way to the bar, the music dies down, and I can tell it’s about closing time and last call is about to go down. Voices are clearer as are the words being chattered around. Unfortunately, Kara and her clan of sluts are sitting at a table near the bar, but my desire for more alcohol is stronger than avoiding them.
“Two shots, please.”
“Of what,” the bartender asks.
“I don’t give a fuck,” I slur out.
“Got it.”
“She has a fake leg.” I hear a voice say at Kara’s table.
I wonder if they realize how loud they are talking. Are they trying to be that obvious? Or do they think I’m that dumb? I’ll admit. I try to believe the best in people all the time and give everyone a chance to do right in my eyes, but I’m pretty sure there is no one else in the bar with a prosthetic.
“How do you know?” I hear the next voice.
“Finn’s dad told my momma. He’s so worried that Finn’s going to throw his whole future away for her. I guess he hasn’t been the same since he met her. Fights his dad on everything now. There for a while, Dr. Evans really thought Finn wanted me back and that’s the only reason I came home.”
“But that’s so gross. I mean a fake leg. How can Finn even be attracted to her or that?”
“Can you imagine her in a bikini?”
The bartender finally arrives back with my final shots. “Wes said these are on the house. Have a good night.”
Effortlessly, I down one shot and let the burn of the straight whiskey glide down my throat. The sting of it is nothing compared to what I put out on the line tonight. Nothing. I slam the last one and continue to hear the girls cackling about me in a bikini.
“Enough,” a voice roars.
My head is swimming and swirling so intensely, I can’t manage to look at the person talking or even take another step. I don’t have to look to know it’s Finn.
“Talk about her one more time and I swear you’ll regret ever coming back home, Kara.”
I crumble down onto the barstool, knowing full well I can’t take a step on my own. Scarlett and Wes show up moments later.
“Ready, Tess?” Scarlett asks.
“Yeah,” I reply, as I try to get up.
And quickly realize, there is no way I can stand on my own two feet. Finn and Wes both grab each side of me. Without thinking, I push Finn away.
“Don’t touch me. I mean it. Never again. Never give my heart the hope that you may actually love someone like me.”