Page 216 of American Honey
“Don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart. I think it’s sexy as hell you can make yourself come. Now, it’s my turn to.” Her mouth drops as her hands fall away from her face. “You know that right, Bethany?”
She shakes her head so I continue, shifting her legs until I’m between them. “Just how sexy I think you are. Hell, you’ve been the re
ason for every cold shower I’ve had to take since I met you. Does that turn you on?”
She nods, her lips still parted. I dip my mouth down to hers as she tilts her hips up to meet my cock. I was wrong earlier when I thought heaven was my cock in her mouth; nope, that wasn’t even close to burying myself between her thighs. She wraps her legs around me and her fingers bite into my scalp. Her lips are the path to my salvation as I pump in and out of her.
“You feel so perfect,” I groan against her lips.
Not moving her lips from mine, she replies, “Oh, God, right there.”
“You tell me what you want.”
“You, don’t stop.”
I can’t stop kissing her and she seems to feel the same way. Neither of us fully stops speaking as we continue to kiss. I tell her how her body is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She tells how me what feels right, don’t stop, there, there, there, harder, yes, yes, oh God yes.
Amazing is only way to describe what being with Bethany feels like. Her hands come to rest on my shoulders as I lift her up and down and then back down onto my shaft. Moving one hand back behind her to brace herself, she twists her hips, grinding against me each time I’m deep inside her.
I lower my head and pull her nipple into my mouth, running my tongue over it before nipping it. She groans, her movements becoming jerky, her body tensing. I repeat my attention on her other nipple and she cries out loudly, her tight core convulsing around my dick. I come hard after that, gripping her slick body tightly in my arms.
I push her backwards, following her and tucking her to my chest. “That was...”
“Incredible,” she finishes, dusting my collarbone with gentle kisses.
“Give me just a moment.” I stand, the heat of her eyes on my bare ass as I cross the hall to her bathroom to dispose of the condom.
She’s waiting for me, all sated and luscious on her bed. I tackle her, grinning as she squeals. “I want to kiss every inch of you.”
She wraps her arms tightly around my neck. “Best house call ever.”
I pull back. “Shit. Forgot about your sink.”
She shrugs, pushing a curl out of her eyes. “It’ll still be there when you’re done kissing me.”
I pull her back into my arms. “Fair enough.”
Chapter Five
The weeks that followed our first time together were full of laughter, good food, getting to know each other even better, and the hottest sex I’ve ever had. Every spare moment I’m not working on the farm, I’m over at Bethany’s. I can talk about anything with her and she with me. I finished that book she edited and am reading another one; only I’m not doing it alone this time. Now, as I read, I do it with her feet in my lap as she works.
Together, we’ve also worked on and gotten frisky in just about every room of her house. She’s still just as messy as ever. There’s at least one unpacked box shoved in a corner of each room, but otherwise, her place looks great.
I’ve questioned a couple of her paint selections, but after seeing those off the wall colors actually on the wall and surrounded by her things, I can’t help but like them. Each room has Bethany written all over them. There’s even some of me as well. The other day I mentioned how much I liked Ansel Adams pictures, just in passing. Next time I came over, there was one hanging up in her living room; it’s like she’s unconsciously fitting me into her future.
At the farm, it’s assumed that I’m eating over at Bethany’s place unless I let them know she’s coming over to eat with us. She’s heading to Florida for a week in a couple days and it’s already messing with my head. Stupid what ifs that have zero basis is in reality plague me. What if she decides she wants to move to Florida? What if she tells her parents about me and they don’t think I’m good enough for her?
I’ve been short and snapping at everyone around me all week. I’m on my way to my parents’ cabin, hoping the walk will clear my head and relax me. I try and stop by at least once a week to check on my folks. I haven’t told them anything is going on with me and Bethany yet. At this point, they just think we’re friends. I plan on telling them just how much I’ve grown to care for her today, and see if it’ll be all right for me to bring her by to meet them.
I’ve told her all about them. She’s too married to technology to ever go off the grid like they have, but she still thinks the idea of it is romantic. It’s hard to think of my parents that way, as romantics. It’s almost as weird as knowing they had to have sex at least once for me to be here. I’m maybe fifty yards from their front door when it happens.
Trying not to think about my parents sexual relations and not paying attention to where I’m walking is not wise in a wooded area. I step right on to a cottonmouth snake and thoroughly piss him off enough for him to bite me.
“Damn it.”
They aren’t extremely venomous, but I’ll still need to go to the hospital. This isn’t the first snake bite we’ve had on the farm, so I know not to panic. Thankfully, my mom keeps a four-wheeler at the cabin in case of emergencies. This qualifies. I limp the rest of the way to their place.
Man, my leg hurts. The bite is on my left calf. Halfway to the cabin, I stop and call the house line.