Page 217 of American Honey
Luckily, Bess answers.
“Bess, I got bit by a cottonmouth. I’m maybe twenty yards from Mom and Dad’s cabin, but it’s killing me to walk. Can you come get me?”
“Be right there,” is all I hear before she hangs up.
A half-assed glance behind me is all I can manage before sinking to the ground. I drag the back of my hand across my forehead to find I’m soaked with sweat. Something isn’t right. I’ve seen reactions to a cottonmouth bite before and they weren’t this bad. This is my last clear thought before I pass out.
My eyes swim as I try and figure out where I am. It hurts, correction everything hurts, but my attempt to turn my head to look around hurts enough to make my head spin.
“Hey, Beau.”
It takes a moment for my eyes to focus on Bess. I’m still not sure where I am, but my nerves settle a bit at seeing a familiar face. That doesn’t stop my head from spinning. I’ve never been so dizzy lying down before.
“What?” My throat burns so badly I stop at that one word.
“Well, big guy. You gave us quite a scare. You had an allergic reaction to the snake bite and have been unconscious for the last two days.”
I start to shake my head, but it makes the room spin.
“Is somebody awake?” An unfamiliar voice precedes a woman in light blue scrubs entering the room.
“Beau, this is Lilly, one of your nurses,” Bess explains.
She turns my hand over, her fingers taking my pulse. “How are you feeling, Beau?”
“I’m dizzy,” I rasp, keeping my eyes closed. “And thirsty,” I add.
“I’ll grab you some water in just a minute. That sound good?”
A slight nod of my head is all I can manage.
She takes my temperature and checks my blood pressure. I zone out, trying to remember what happened.
“Can you feel this, Beau?”
“Can I feel what?” I ask, my eyes opening.
She’s standing next to my left leg, a grim expression on her face.
I lift my head to try and see what she’s doing. Even though my vision blurs and the exertion of lifting my head is exhausting, I need to see. She has my foot in her hand and is turning it from side to side.
I’m watching her move my foot. I see it. My brain recognizes that I see it, but I can’t feel it. Time stands still as I tell myself to feel it, as if mind over matter could come into play.
“Well?” she asks again.
I let my head fall back to the bed allowing the exhaustion to win. “I can’t feel it.”
There’s a gasp from the doorway and I turn my head, opening my eyes to see who it is. Bethany. Her eyes are wide, her hands covering her mouth. She clearly just heard I can’t feel my foot.
“Darling,” I breathe and she rushes to my side.
Her hands are on my face, her lips on mine. “Oh, my God, Beau. I was so scared.”
“Shh.” I want to put my arms around her to comfort her, but I’m either too weak or medicated to.