Page 227 of American Honey
She looks up at me but I’m not there. Her mouth drops when she looks down to see me on one knee in front of her.
I take her free hand and wrap both of my hands around it. “Bethany. In a moment you are going to free that little firefly from that jar and I hope let me put that ring on your finger. You freed me, darling, from the fear that I wasn’t good enough. Even when we didn’t know if my foot would get better, your feelings for me did not waver in the slightest. You are the most caring, generous, crazy, beautiful woman I know and I’d be honored if you would consider becoming my Missus.”
Even in the dim light the hint of tears glisten in her eyes as she nods her head. I stand, pulling her into my arms and kiss her. She stays wrapped up in me as she opens the lid of the jar to release the firefly. I lift one arm from around her and reach into the jar to collect her ring.
“This was my grandmother’s ring on my mom’s side of the family. She’s been saving it for me and swore I couldn’t have it without her blessing. She was thrilled when I asked for it for you.”
It slips right on. “It’s a perfect fit,” she sighs.
“You’re my perfect fit.”
The End
Ashley Johnson
Chapter 1
I hate doing this over the phone right now. It’s trifling, dirty and plain screwed up, but I’m doing it anyway. I’d never want it done to me this way, but it’s been two agonizing months of this so-called relationship and it’s a bust. He’s sweet, amazing even, but he’s just not what I want. I don’t need a stage four clinger and when he threw the words ‘I love you’ two days ago, I knew it was time to cut that damn ship loose. Sail away, far far away because Shayleigh Dougherty doesn’t do love and surely not this soon.
Love may be amazing and all those things women swoon over, but to me, it’s nothing but a four letter word. People don’t truly stay in love. No one in my life has truly been able to rely on love. Mom ran out on Dad and I years ago. Apparently, being a Mom just wasn’t her thing. I don’t care, we’re better off without her.
She’s the reason we left Louisiana and moved to Springfield, Missouri. Talk about a change, but Dad and I have been happy here. Although I had to leave my best friend in the world behind, thanks to technology, we’re able to talk often. It’s like we’ve never missed any time together and I’m grateful for her. Sienna has and always will be my rock.
“Look Brandon, I don’t think this is working anymore.” I say as nicely as possible to him.
“What do you mean Shayleigh? I thought things were going good. I mean I told you I lo-“
“Stop Brandon, don’t say it please. I told you it was too soon for that.”
“I can’t help how I feel about you. So, basically I proclaim my love for you and you throw me out the door? Why won’t you talk to me and let me in?” he begs. I can practically picture him standing there running his hands through his hair wondering what the hell happened. Honestly, he should have seen all the signs coming. I haven’t wanted to have sex with him in two weeks and I’ve barely let him kiss me. Part of me was being nice, not wanting to give him too much hope, but putting him through this torture is unnecessary.
“Look, I’m just done okay. This was fun and you’re great, but I can’t pretend to love you when I don’t.”
“Can I at least come see you so we can talk about this in person?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I really do wish you the best Brandon. I hope you find everything you’re looking for. I’m just not that girl and you’ll see that one day.”
He doesn’t say much more, matter of fact all I hear is him breathing into the phone. I’m sure the wheels in his head are spinning while he tries to decide what he can say to me.
After what seems like an eternity of awkward silence, he finally speaks. “Shayleigh, I can be better, but if this isn’t what you want then I’m sorry. I’ll never forget you.”
I’d love to tell him I’ll never forget him, but then I’d be lying. That relationship was so short, tomorrow he’ll be old news and I’ll probably never think of him again.
“I’m sorry Brandon, bye.”
I hang up cowardly before he can say anything else and let out a sigh of relief. I walk over to the refrigerator and grab a beer. The doorknob turns and I look to see my dad walking in.
“Hey kiddo, grab me one will ya?” he asks.
“Sure thing Dad.” I hand him the bottle I just had for myself and decide I don’t want one anymore. “How was your day?”
“Long day at the office, I’m tired. How was school?”
I’m a nursing major at a local college. Helping people is therapeutic for me. It makes me feel good and it truly feels like it’s my calling in life. There’s some sort of peace that takes over me when I’m helping others. It’s like I have a real place in this world.
“I had a few tests, but nothing major. I’m just glad the semester is almost over.”
“I hear you. You work hard and I’m proud of you Shay. Did you decide if you want to take classes this summer?”