Page 228 of American Honey
I’m getting ready to answer him when my phone rings. I can’t help but groan thinking Brandon is calling to beg me to take him back. When I see Sienna’s name, my face lights up and an unmistakable grin spreads across my face.
“Hold on Dad, Sienna is calling!” I run to my room, shutting the door behind me as I answer her call. “Hey girl.”
“Hey long lost best friend!” she squeals into the phone. “What’s going on up north?”
“Ugh, don’t get me started. I broke up with Brandon today.” I tell her as I flop down on my bed.
“Finally? You told me you wanted to a few weeks ago and you haven’t said anything, so I figured you maybe decided to keep him around.”
“Seriously? If I were there right now, I’d probably punch you.”
“What? I mean he does love you.”
“Shut it bitch or I’m hanging up the phone.” I tell her. She’s laughing so hard, it almost sounds like she can’t breathe.
“Okay, I’m sorry. You know I had to give you a hard time. I only get to see you via Facebook or Skype, so that’s my excuse. I’m glad you didn’t stick around and be unhappy with him. I would have done the same thing.”
“Would you have? It sounds horrible, but I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of me. I don’t mind being single.”
“That’s my girl. So Shay, I have a question for you.”
“If you’re asking about the size of his penis, give it up. I’m not telling you.”
“I gave up asking forever ago. You wouldn’t tell me. Either you were embarrassed it was small or it was so big you didn’t want to brag. I totally get it.”
“Sienna, what the hell do you want?” I say trying not to laugh too hard.
“Okay, I wanted to know what you’re doing this summer. I haven’t gotten to see my best friend face to face in years and I really want you to consider spending the summer with me. We’re 22 years old Shay. Please?”
My heart begins racing at a rapid speed as the nerves take over. Spend the summer in Louisiana? What if I see my mom? What if I don’t? I mean not that I want to or anything, but I’d rather not. Sienna is right. I haven’t seen her face to face in years, more like ten years to be exact. I haven’t gotten to tell Dad yet, but I wasn’t planning
on taking summer classes and I’ve been saving money from my job at the bookstore. Living with Dad does have its perks. I still contribute money, but can save a good chunk of it.
“Are you sure about this?” I ask her pretty much second guessing myself. I could sit here and make a list of pros and cons, but that would take too much time.
“Shay, think about it. We could spend the entire summer together and I bet it’d be like we never missed a beat.”
This isn’t the first time Sienna has suggested this, but I had classes scheduled. There are no excuses now to hold me back. I only have one life to live and a part of me is thinking this could be a positive experience.
“Okay Sienna, you win. I’ll come down for the summer.”
“Ohmygod!!! Shay, are you serious? You promise?” She squeals into the phone. I almost have to pull it away from my ears.
“I promise. I have two weeks of classes left and then I’m all yours.”
“I seriously can’t freaking believe this is really happening! I’m so excited! Do you want me to look up flights?”
Hearing the word flights has my heart racing and my chest begins to tighten. Airplanes scare the shit out of me. I’ve driven my brand new Camaro around, but have yet to really stretch her legs. This trip down to Louisiana is just the ticket.
“I’m going to drive.”
“What? Are you sure? That’s a long drive Shay, are you sure?”
“It’s ten hours, I can handle it. I’ll leave early in the morning.”
“This is the best day of my life, seriously. I can’t believe you will really be here.” She says.
I can’t believe it either, but come two weeks from now, I will be back in Lake Charles, LA. I knew one day I’d be back to see Sienna, but never did I think it would be this soon. Hopefully Dad takes the news rather well. We have never really spent any time apart like this since we’ve lived here. I know he knows the impact Mom leaving had on me and just like I’m worried about possibly seeing her, I know he will be too. I’m not going for her though, I’m going to see my best friend and hopefully have the best damn summer of my life.