Page 24 of Orient Fevre
“Listen, I’ve talked to people and some are interested in having you on board. Give them a call.” Captain Hawk handed me a data chip. “Again, I’m really sorry, Cross.”
“No worries, Captain. I’ll be fine. I’ll miss you, though.”
“Me too, kiddo.” He slapped his meaty hand on my shoulder. “Me too.”
Seventy-hours after my official termination, I found myself standing on landing pad number forty-one with my suitcases and my pet hamster. I watched Orient Fevre slowly debark from the dock and soar into the vast black sky. I wanted to cry and punch anybody who dared to come within five feet of me. I felt lonely and discarded. Life was certainly unpredictable. Two weeks earlier, I’d had a fiancé, a wedding planned in Delphina and a future I’d always dreamt off. Now, I was stranded in Chereshaz-X and jobless. I had money though. Luckily, the company had given me a nice severance. But I’d miss Orient Fevre. She was the closest thing to a home I’d ever had. Funny thing was, I missed Levy, too.
My pet hamster squeaked in his cage, seeking my attention. I fished some sunflower seeds from my pocket and fed them to him. Fluffy ate them with delight, his whiskers twitching.
“I guess, it’s just me and you, buddy.”
Fluffy gave me a look, and when he thought I wouldn’t give him any more sunflower seeds, he returned to his wheel and ran. I sighed. My heart was heavy. I needed to check in to a motel. Maybe I’d lay low for a while until I sorted my life out.
A hover limo swooped down behind me as I bent down to grab Fluffy’s cage. The luxury vehicle landed elegantly. The door opened and a black-dressed man came out. He took my hamster cage from my hand, then grabbed my suitcases and hauled them to the trunk. Levy, also dressed in black, motioned me to join him in the backseat.
For a moment, I didn’t know what to do. It didn’t seem right seeing him at a time like this. Levy was trouble, and I didn’t need more trouble. I was already neck-deep in it.
“Please, kitten, don’t make me beg. Let’s talk.”
After a few seconds, I decided to take him up on his offer. What the hell. I climbed into the car. Levy’s bodyguard slammed the door, got into the front seat and we took off.
/> Levy kissed me before I could squeak a word. His tongue stroked deep into my mouth as he devoured me with fervour. I was breathless when he finally let me go.
“Missed you,” he told me, his eyes as luminous as a full moon. “They wouldn’t let me see you after you were admitted to the sickbay.”
“Really?” I grinned. “How much did you miss me?”
“More than you’ll ever know, kitten.”
He kissed me long and hard this time. I was drunk again when he stopped. I felt hot, and the familiar wanton aches stirred in my pussy.
“Wow.” I giggled. Suddenly, I was feeling much better. I didn’t feel bummed anymore. “Thanks for saving me. He would have killed me if you hadn’t come.”
His eyes glittered. “I regret I didn’t come sooner.”
“How did you know?”
“Our bond. I can feel when you’re hurting. I had to come looking for you. But the Goddamn ship was so big.”
“Really? Wow.” I’d never have guessed that the bond could act as a distress call. I wondered if Levy knew when I was horny, too? Honestly, I’d thought about him a lot while I was in the sickbay. I hadn’t thanked him properly. “And I thought you were on the Orient Fevre? You were scheduled to go to D’Keghan.”
“Not without my wife.”
“Not this again. Look—”
“I won’t stop hounding you until you accept the fact that we belong together, Violet. Our…”
“Yeah, yeah, the bond and all that.” I took his hand and squeezed it. “I’ve been through a lot for the past two weeks. I’m not ready for this. I need some time alone to think, to find myself.”
“I must disagree. In a time like this, you need me more than ever. You don’t need to be alone, you have me.” He looped his arm around me and drew me closer. “Besides, I have a surprise for you.”
“Good surprise or bad surprise?”
Levy flashed me a grin. “Good, of course.” He took out a syn-disk from his jacket pocket and handed it to me.
“What’s this?”
“Read it.”