Page 25 of Orient Fevre
I turned on the syn-disk and a holo-projection materialised before me. I read the document. Exactly three standard hours ago, the Universal Trans System Corp had sold the ownership of Orient Fevre to Levy Frye, and Levy had deeded her to me. As soon as the ship was bound back to the Chereshaz-X orbital station, she was mine.
Holy crap. I couldn’t believe it. “You bought Orient Fevre?”
“It’s our wedding gift. I know how much you love that ship. Think about it, us, flying from port to port across the galaxy, delivering cargo or whatever you fancy. You can play captain, too, if you like. Wouldn’t it be fun, sweetie?”
I was speechless for a long moment. I didn’t know what to say. A part of me was exulted that I’d be seeing Orient Fevre again. The other part of me was annoyed because Levy thought he could buy anything to get what he wanted.
“Look, Violet. I’m not bribing you with the ship to be with me.” Levy kissed the tip of my nose.
I glared at him.
“Well, maybe, a little.”
I was still glaring at him.
“The point is, I’m trying to make our relationship work. I know you’re not the type of girl I could keep in the palace, so I figured we could live our lives the way you’re accustomed to. You love adventure and travel, so why not make our lives, our marriage, into an adventure.”
“God, Levy, I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.”
“Love me, that’s all I ask.”
I snorted. “That’s corny.”
“At least I’m not afraid to say I love you. You should try it. Love is a beautiful thing.”
“Let me get this straight. You’re telling me that the only prospect of getting you off my back is by killing you?”
“I’d take that as you love me, too, kitten.”
I sighed. “Can we take this relationship…easy? I’ve been through an emotional roller coaster.”
“Define what you mean by ‘easy’? I was thinking a daily dose of sex would be a good start. I know a trick that will make you relax from the ordeal you’ve been through.” Levy slid his hand on my shoulder and started kneading my tensed flesh.
I caught his eyes and Levy shot me a smug smile. But the massage felt so damn good. God, this man had a magic touch. I began to unwind and my weariness started to ebb away. Maybe being with him wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Maybe he was what I needed. I looked through the windows as we flew far from the landing docks and into the heart of Chereshaz-X. The city of Atlantis was bathed in a brilliant light as our limo cruised between the skyscrapers.
“Where are we going?”
“To finish our unfinished business.”
“Which is?”
He didn’t answer me, but his grin widened.
We landed on the rooftop of a fancy boutique hotel in downtown Atlantis. The hotel staff welcomed us on the landing pad, the concierge opening the door of the limousine.
Levy tugged my hand. “Come.”
We climbed out of the limo. I insisted on carrying Fluffy’s cage myself as the hotel manager led us to our suite. My hamster begged me for some treats as I put him on a table. Again. He looked unhappy after spending the last half hour in a trunk of a limo. I fished out some sunflower seeds and gave my little guy his treats. Fluffy ate greedily, stuffing them in both of his cheeks, pleading for more.
“Well, I’m out,” I told him.
Fluffy gave me a cross look and busied himself with his toy. Little schmuck.
“He’s cute,” Levy commented. He snuck behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He hugged me as the hotel staff and Levy’s entourage brought in my luggage.
“How do you know he’s a he?” I asked Levy.