Page 58 of Prison Snatch
Anticipation . . .
“Take ya dumb asses back to bed,” a booming male voice barked, causing Heaven to quickly hide her cell phone. It was him again. She was wondering when he’d come back on their housing unit. The clinking of keys, followed by the sliding of metal, made her cringe. “Let me catch either of you bitches so much as breathing wrong, and I’ma have your asses in lockup so fast, it’ll make your ugly-ass heads spin.”
What a fucking asshole!
Heaven swung her feet over her bunk, slipping her feet into her shower shoes as she ran her fingers through her hair to give it a more tousled look. She tied her T-shirt in a knot at the small of her back, then stood up.
She sashayed her way toward her cell door in her pink, lacy panties, then called out, “CO.”
“Lewis, don’t do it,” Sabina warned as Heaven called out for the CO again.
Heaven waved her on.
“I’m telling you,” Sabina hissed. “You’re playing with fire, and you’re gonna get burned fucking with that nut.”
“I’m a pyromaniac,” Heaven teased over her shoulder. “I love playing in the flames. CO!”
“Yo, what the fuck you want, Inmate?”
“I need to see you,” she yelled back. “Please.” She added the last part—please, for emphasis. It seemed men liked it when women begged. It seemed to be an ego booster, or some shit. Well, hell, she’d happily stroke his ego since it sounded like it was bigger than his dick, any-damn-way. She giggled to herself.
Sabina shook her head, shutting off her book light, and shutting her magazine. She settled herself against her pillow, then pulled the sheet up to her chin. “Okay, then,” she whispered. “Play on, and get burned if you want. But you’ve been put on notice.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Heaven said, rolling her eyes up in her head. Who the fuck did this bitch think she was, putting her on notice?
Bitch, bye.
Sabina shook her head. “Goodnight, then.”
“Yup, sweet dreams,” Heaven snidely replied.
Sabina’s jaw tightened. That self-righteous bitch deserved whatever she got fucking with Struthers. Right then, she decided she wanted no parts of whatever it was Heaven was scheming up. So she was done with it.
She liked things the way they were—quiet. And she wanted nothing to do with having her bid disrupted behind some wet-behind-the-ears chick who obviously didn’t know shit about jailing.
She’d been sent to lockup once for having a lighter and rolling paper—contraband that wasn’t even hers—hidden in a pair of her Reebok sneakers that a CO had found during a random shakedown on her tier. The items had belonged to her cellmate at the time. And, instead of her sneaky-ass stepping up and claiming the contraband, she’d kept her mouth shut and watched Sabina get led off the tier in handcuffs. She’d received an institutional charge, and ten days in lockup behind that.
It had been absolute hell there. And she’d be goddamned if she was going to let this bitch get her hemmed up in whatever dumb shit she had going on in her pretty little head. She didn’t need another reckless bitch in her life. Right then, she found herself considering putting in a request for a single cell over on 2 South. Hell, she’d even try to get over to the dorms on 7 North if possible. Shit. She’d paid her dues sharing cells with crazy bitches. She’d been charge free for the last year. Now it was time she finished out her bid away from these reckless bitches.
Still, she liked Heaven, but she had to look at her sideways at the moment. She’d told her in so many words to fall back. Don’t go fucking with Struthers. But—noooo. This whore just had to go and do the opposite. She lifted her head from her pillow and looked over at her cellie.
Just look at her, Sabina thought—frowning, standing over there with all of her ass hanging out like she’s some damn video vixen. If she hadn’t been so annoyed at her, she’d probably get off at the sight of all that big, juicy ass.
Maybe tomorrow she would.
But before her head hit the pillow again, she had to admit she looked sexy as fuck. She sighed. Heaven was cool, she reasoned. But she thought the chick was too stuck on herself, like her shit didn’t stink. Some of the other women on the tier didn’t particularly care for her, either, but they respected her for slicing up Snake, then for fighting Coletta.
God, she’d done good not thinking about her. She had been a terror on the tier, a troublemaker and a bully.
But—mmm, yes—she had been a damn good lover, too.
Sabina felt her pussy quivering at the thought of Snake’s tongue snaking its way inside her walls as she attempted to lick out her ovaries. Ooh, she had known her body better than she did. And, every night, she’d make love to her with her mouth, tongue and hands. And she’d made her cum, heavy and hard.
Sabina swallowed at the memories. She hadn’t let Snake fuck her—per se, but she’d come damn near close on several occasions to letting her stick her dick in her. Kissing, grinding, and lots of pussy eating had been their nightly pastime.