Page 59 of Prison Snatch
God, yes.
They’d been cellmates for almost a year. And from the moment Snake had stepped over the threshold, into the cell, she’d made her intentions known. “I’m gonna be fuckin’ you by nightfall. I know how you white bitches love good dick.”
And there had been—all-night fucking. With her tongue and fingers.
Sabina hadn’t minded playing wifey as long as she respected her. And she hadn’t minded her having other lovers as long as she was coming home (to their cell) to her. But, somehow, she started putting her hands on her, choking her, and smacking her up.
Then, out of the blue—after almost a year—Snake had managed to get moved out of their cell, and into the cell of some ugly black bitch on the other side of the tier without so much as a goodbye. And, as if that hadn’t been enough insult, she’d run off with all of her commissary; stole her shit while she was out in the yard.
Just thinking about how she’d done her made Sabina’s blood boil. Her nose flared. Thieving bitch! She didn’t know why she’d ever fucked with that ghetto black bitch in the first place. Broke bitch was only good for licking her asshole and sucking her pussy walls clean, any-damn-way.
Oh—and toe sucking.
And, and . . . God, yes . . . licking all over her breasts.
Still, sh
e had loved her once—or at least had wanted to. But, now, she was glad someone had the heart to take her ratchet-ass down a notch. Heaven had sliced that bitch real good. She—
Sabina shook her head again, her thoughts returning to the present moment. “This dumb bitch still fucking yelling,” she mumbled under her breath as she shifted in her bunk and rolled over on her side, facing toward the wall.
She shut her eyes, holding her breath, before the storm came.
“Yo, why the fuck is you hollering out your fucking cell, huh, Inmate?”
His booming voice alone made Heaven’s insides shudder. Her gaze drifted down to the center of his crotch, then down to his long, booted feet before she craned her neck upward and took in the menacing face of her next mark.
Around his waist hung from his duty belt were a radio, flashlight, handcuffs positioned at the small of his back, and a set of keys.
He wasn’t exactly what she’d envisioned. And she hadn’t expected her cunt to respond so excitedly, either. She had expected him to be some old, greasy-looking, big-bellied fucker. Not this handsomely groomed man with skin the color of sun-kissed copper and a beautiful set of full lips.
She slowly licked her lips. “I wanted to ask a favor, CO.”
He scowled. “It’s Sergeant,” he corrected. “Now what the fuck you want?”
She hesitated for a moment, holding her breath deciding whether she wanted to risk disrupting her bid. But Sabina had piqued her curiosity, and she wanted to see his dick for herself.
Shit. She thought she had a strategy in mind—well, sort of—but the plan hadn’t unfolded in exacting detail. And now he was standing at her cell in all of his six-foot-six glory and she felt momentarily dumbfounded at what to do next.
His overwhelming presence had totally disarmed her.
Shit, shit, shit . . .
Playing with Fire . . .
“That motherfucker!” she hissed, walking into her cell the next morning. She felt blood rush to her head, making her ears burn. Her flat-screen TV was gone. And the lock on her gray footlocker had been cut off. The lid was up, and all of her commissary and extra hygiene products were gone, along with the hygiene products she’d had on her shelf.
Everything gone!
Sabina removed an earbud from one of her ears and shook her head, giving Heaven an I-told-you-so look.
She wanted to fall to her knees and scream, but her jaw was too sore. And she probably would have broken down in tears had her eyes not been still swollen and red, and stinging from being Maced.
She managed to choke back a sob instead. “What the fuck happened to my shit?”