Page 43 of Strings Attached
“Your son made me scrambled eggs for breakfast. Jesus, I’m a bit of a mess, aren’t I?”
“No.” He absolutely wasn’t. “Eat your food and tell me about your day.”
His eyes widened then, happiness buzzing around him. “It was…indescribable. I was nervous as shit and made fun of myself some—not sure if that’s the best route to take, but it was amazing. We didn’t do a whole lot today. I told them some about myself, handed out the syllabus and then a paper where they could tell me a little about themselves. I wanted to know how they feel about reading and English, and I added a question about which pronouns they prefer. I’m wondering if I’ll hear from some parents about that, but I really don’t give a shit, ya know? There’s a boy named Eric in my first period. I can tell he’s going to be a handful. Oh, and in my second class, there’s a girl—Beverly. I asked about their favorite books, and Jesus, this kid. She named like fifty of them. She’s read more classics than I have, but oh my God, Ariel…he’s in my fifth period. He was so quiet and wrote down that he hates books and school. I think he’s me. I mean, not me, but like, I sensed something in him. I can’t explain it. That maybe he doesn’t hate school but just feels like he’s not very good at it? I could be off base, of course. I just… I have a feeling about him, and I want him to love learning.”
I couldn’t take my eyes off him as he spoke, as he went from class to class, student to student, bouncing around with no real direction other than sharing something he loved so much. It was incredible. Maybe one of the most beautiful things I’d ever seen.
“I’m sorry,” he said after finishing his food and talking for who knew how long. “I’m sure you didn’t want that much detail.”
“On that you’re quite wrong, Mr. Wescott. I think I could listen to you speak all night.” I walked around the counter to stand beside him. When I reached for his plate to take it, Zander put a hand on my wrist to stop me. “I’m glad you had a good day.”
“The best. I know it’s only the first one and things will get harder, but…today they were perfect and…” He lifted my hand, kissed it, turned it, and licked the pulse at my wrist, making my dick immediately harden. “I want to fuck you to celebrate, the way we did the night before graduation. That’s the whole point of this, right? To enjoy each other.”
The teasing edge of desire I’d felt a moment before exploded with that statement, filling every inch of me. I pulled Zander up from his seat, our mouths meeting in a collision of want. Like the other two times we were together, we were hurried movements and frenzied need, like if we didn’t sate our hunger for each other, we’d dissolve into nothing.
We kissed our way to his room. Fell back against the closed door, tongues tangling while we ripped at each other’s clothes. Something about him filled me with a burning longing I’d never felt before. I’d always loved sex, but something about sex with Zander took it to a whole new level. Like in those moments, I had all my favorite things and no one could ever take them away from me.
Once we were naked, I pushed him backward, kissing him the whole time until his legs caught on the futon. “Sit.” My lips wet a trail down his throat.
“Stop being so bossy. I’m the teacher here, remember?”
I grinned against his skin. “Sit now.”
“You’re looking to get yourself sent out of class.”
Another smile. “Please sit down, Mr. Wescott, so I can suck your cock.” I wrapped a hand around his hot shaft and stroked.
Zander groaned and fell back to the futon. “Only because you asked nicely.”
“Only because you want my mouth on your dick,” I countered, leaning over him, then kissing my way down his body until I knelt between his legs. “You deserve it, don’t you think?” I swiped my tongue over the tip of his erection, tasting the precum there. “Today your dream came true, so I’m gonna let you fuck my face before I give you my ass. Then I’ll tuck you in to sleep for the night because you have school in the morning.”
He laughed, a deep, rumbling laughter that vibrated his bed, and me. I liked to see him happy, to see him so carefree. Zander came off that way, and he was…but he also wasn’t. There was always an underlying edge of worry to him, of responsibility, but in that moment, he was all joy and desire and pride.
I bent forward and sucked him to the back of my throat. Zander cried out, fisted a hand in my hair. When I pulled back some, he thrust, making me gag.