Page 44 of Strings Attached
“Shit…fuck…I’m sorry. I got carried away.”
I looked up at him, at his soft features that were so damn beautiful. Seriously, this guy. Did he know how gorgeous he was? I pulled off, pressed a kiss to his glans. “Don’t be. I can take it. I told you what I was giving you…so take it.”
The air around us crackled, Zander’s pupils blowing wide. “Really?”
“Tell me if it’s too much.”
It wasn’t.
Zander definitely took his pleasure from me, snapping his hips, pulling my hair, but like everything about him, there was a gentleness to it, a caring nature. He thought about others and wanted to take care of them. He’d told me before that I was a caretaker, and I couldn’t help wondering if he realized how much he was one too.
My eyes watered slightly, but I fucking loved it. He swiped at the tears with his thumb, caressing my face while he used my mouth.
“Oh God…Harrison…so good. Jesus, I want to empty my balls down your throat, but I want to fuck you too.” The urgency in his voice told me he was close, so I pulled off. “I’ve never been so conflicted in my life. Part of me is pissed I can’t fill your mouth, and the other can’t wait to take you.”
I climbed onto the futon, which was likely going to kill my back, it was so uncomfortable. He lay down, and I straddled him, rubbing my shaft against his. “You can come in my mouth another time. That’s the beauty of a no-strings-attached fling, right? We can do this as many times as we want.”
Zander answered by cradling the back of my head and tugging my face toward his. “Come ’ere.”
Our mouths met again in a kiss. I rutted against him, aware of our size difference. He was long and lean, part of it likely because he forgot to eat so often, but that didn’t explain all the hard edges of muscle. We kissed like that, savoring each other’s tongues, before Zander pulled off and said, “I want you on your hands and knees.”
“Who knew you were so bossy, Mr. Wescott?”
He grinned, winked, and said, “Baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet,” which was adorable and silly and…well, hot, all wrapped in one.
I got into position while Zander plucked the lube and a condom from the nightstand. He slicked his fingers, then rubbed down my crease. “You have a great ass.”
“Agreed,” I replied, making him chuckle.
“I thought about fucking you…the other night when I jerked off. You were just like this, and I made you come so hard, I saw stars.”
My dick twitched, my balls aching and full, and I was so ready to feel what Zander could do to me. “A+ on the sex talk, Mr. Wescott, but now it’s time for a demonstration.”
He gave me this wide, happy grin. “I like it when you call me that.” His finger circled my rim, and then he pushed it inside. The initial discomfort I always felt when something was going inside me was there, but it quickly ebbed away as he worked a second digit in, twisting and turning, fucking and stretching. “Jesus, you’re so tight. I can’t wait to feel you wrapped around my dick.”
“Then do it.” I dropped my head forward, pushed back so my ass met his fingers. “Fuck me. You’ve been thinking about it. Now you get to do it.”
“Let’s not get carried away here. I fantasized about it once.”
“Mm-hm. Whatever you say.”
“God, you’re so cocky.”
“When do I get to see how cocky you are?” I looked over my shoulder and met his gaze. He playfully rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t hide the desire reflected back at me. He wanted me just as much as I wanted him.
Zander ripped open the condom and rolled it on. He lubed up, then held my hips, fingers digging into my skin as he pressed the head of his erection against my hole.
“God yes,” I said, stretched around his crown.
“Fuck, this is so hot…seeing your ass straining around me, watching while my dick opens you up. It’s killing me not to just slam inside.”
He gave little thrusts of his hips, each time giving me another inch. My hands fisted his pillows. Not gonna lie, my knees did hurt on his damn futon, but Christ, he felt good, hearing his breathing and feeling his blunt nails as they dug into my skin, his cock stretching me wide. When his groin met my ass, neither of us moved, just breathed together.
“I really hope I don’t embarrass myself,” Zander said. “You have no idea how much I already want to blow my load.”
I chuckled.
“Fuck, stop that.”
“Stop what?”
“When you laugh, your ass tightens around me, and you’re seriously going to make me nut.”
“Ah, the trials of youth,” I teased.
“Hey, I’ve had plenty of sex, and I can last, thank you very much. It’s just been a big day, and something about you gets to me more than most people do. It’s kinda frustrating.”