Page 59 of Into the Darkness
“They were short-staffed.” He paused before grabbing a lock of my hair and pushing it behind my ear. “So tell me, Charlotte, are we doing this?”
I could see he was trying to find the right words until he finally responded. “You came here today to make sure you were protected, that we were protected…”
“I just wanted to make sure, you know…just in case…”
He leaned over my shoulder and turned the lock on the door. He pulled himself back and placed his lips on my mine, hungry for the very reason I was here. Surely this was fate, right? Following my instincts and ending up here of all places?
“I have never wanted anything more, Charlotte. You have to believe me.”
I looked into his eyes, those pools of emerald green pleading with me to understand that his desire drove him to this insanity that was becoming us. I placed my arms around his neck and pulled him into me, hoping this gave him the reassurance he needed. “I believe you. And anyway, if it wasn’t your words that told me, it was the General saluting me right now.”
He placed his forehead against mine “You are crazy.”
“Insane is the word you are looking for,” I corrected.
Laughing, he stood up and unlocked the door. I followed his lead before he turned around and ripped the paper off the pad. “Here you go, Miss Mason. The reason you came. Hope you have fun,” he teased.
“Thank you, Dr. Edwards. I’m sure the pleasure won’t be all mine.” And with that I walked out, accompanied by the swarm of butterflies that formed in my stomach, making it impossible to hide the huge grin on my face.
Chapter 16
I sat at my desk trying to make sense of what had happened when I was in New York. As soon as I said I was heading back to London, our lighthearted conversation had suddenly turned sour. Her demeanor changed, her lie about being busy barely believable. She no longer wanted to speak to me and I didn’t know why. She rushed out so fast I had no time to ask her what the hell I did wrong.
The flight back to London felt like the longest five hours of my life. The last few days had been a whirlwind and everything I had become suddenly meant nothing. People used to tell me that time heals all wounds, but what the fuck did they know about me? I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat. I could barely breathe. I left her, again. It was only for two weeks, but time didn’t matter. I ran my fingers through my hair trying to get a grip on things. Fuck, someone tell me how to make things right with her!
I was in the office early to prepare for an important meeting we had today. It was only six o’clock here in London but I decided I would email her anyway, apologizing for my sudden departure.
* * *
From: Lex Edwards
Subject: More brownies?
Sent: September 25, 2012 6:03 AM
To: Charlotte Mason
I’m sorry I had to leave for London.
Can I make it up to you with more Brownies?
I think next time you will reme
mber how much you like them.
Lex Edwards
* * *
From: Charlotte Mason
Subject: Sweet Tooth