Page 60 of Into the Darkness
Sent: September 25, 2012 12:15 PM
To: Lex Edwards
The brownies were great, fantastic just as I remembered them.
My problem is that, I hadn’t had them for a while and suddenly they were on my plate. While not eating said Brownies I found that there were other desserts I enjoyed as well.
Charlotte Mason
* * *
I didn’t know what game she was playing but I could have smashed my cell when I read that email. It didn’t help that it came in the middle of an important meeting with a new client of ours. I could have signed away the rights to Lexed for all I knew. Thank god I had a great executive team working for me. The day went downhill after that comment.
As the meeting ended, Kate walked over to me. “Mr. Edwards, is everything OK?”
I knew she was sincere but what was I supposed to say? My ex-girlfriend who I still have feelings for thinks her current beau is better than me and it makes my blood boil to think they are fucking? I couldn’t have imagined anything more juvenile.
“Just a few things I need to take care of.”
I walked back into my office. Kate knew better than to follow me. My office was my sanctuary, off limits to anyone unless I had given permission for them to enter. I sat at my large desk; it was neatly organized because I was such a control freak. My computer screen was opened to my inbox. I scrolled through, different day but same old bullshit. My mind definitely was not on the job today.
I knew nothing about her. Well, not nothing exactly. I knew she was a lawyer and then there was the information that Bryce had given me, but I still knew nothing about her personal life. I tapped my pen on my desk, frustrated that I was getting nowhere. Maybe I was going about this the wrong way; maybe I needed to scour social media. I opened up a Facebook page, something I personally didn’t have because I didn’t have time to talk to people from fucking ten years ago.
There were ten Charlotte Masons, none matching her. I tried Charlie Mason, same result. Fuck. OK, what if I looked for Eric? I type Eric Kennedy and twenty-five results came in. I scrolled through the profiles immediately spotting his face. His photo was of him on some beach doing that annoying duck-face thing while holding the phone up in the air, obviously taking a self-portrait. I clicked on his friends’ list, which thankfully wasn’t private. I figured if Charlotte was on here she would have to be friends with Eric. I scrolled through the names, stopping at a Charlie Brown. I clicked on the photo of a bird, a phoenix I think, but the page was private. I scrolled further in case there was anyone else. Nothing. I went back to Eric’s profile page where I found his latest status update, saying he was going to watch Hangover 3. He tagged Charlie Brown. As I opened up the comments, my anger exploded to another level. It was her all right. She commented about going to see the movie with a companion and about sitting in the back and all I read were lewd comments from Eric and someone named Rocky about…blow jobs.
I clenched my fists, ready to punch the fucking screen. I leave her alone for one minute and she is giving that fucker head in the movie theatre? Who the fuck was she now?! This wasn’t the Charlotte who was the love of my life, the Charlotte I would have fucking moved heaven and Earth for if she asked. I buried my face in my hands, trying to get a grip on my anger. On impulse, I grabbed my blackberry.
* * *
From: Lex Edwards
Subject: Truth
Sent: September 25, 2012 9:35 AM
To: Charlotte Mason
Why are you still seeing him?
Lex Edwards
* * *
I sat there for exactly thirty-four minutes and twenty-one seconds with no response. I was losing my sanity and to make it worse I had an important meeting at the Hilton in less than an hour. What the fuck was I going to do? Every second I was gone, the closer she was getting to him. I didn’t know who she was anymore but she was mine, and no one touched what was mine. I needed to go…now. I needed to fucking see her now. I pressed the Intercom, calling Kate into my office.
“Kate, please book the next flight to New York City,” I commanded, neatly organizing my papers while shutting down my laptop.
She responded in confusion. “Um, sir, sorry I don’t understand. The meeting at the Hilton starts in forty-five minutes. We actually need to leave now.”
“I have to go back to New York. Something urgent has come up and I need to be there now,” I answered in irritation.
“Sir, this meeting has taken months to organize and we have a lot riding on this merger.”
I knew that. I wasn’t fucking stupid but there was no way in hell I could allow this to go on any longer. Charlotte needed to know who she belonged to. “Have Brooks replace me. He’s done the ground work. I am heading to the airport now. Please book the Waldorf indefinitely. I expect you to fly in tomorrow.” I grabbed my briefcase, motioning for her to leave.