Page 87 of Every Time We Kiss
But she knew she couldn’t have him. He deserved a far better person than her. Someone with no past.
She would only ever be his lover, never his wife.
Chapter 18
“I’m starting to wonder about you, Blackburn.” Somerton slowed his horse as they neared the main house.
“You know as well as I that you just passed up the best chance of compromising her. And yet, you did nothing when I said she must stay in that house alone.” Somerton smiled in a knowing way at him.
Matthew glared over at him as they continued their slow canter toward the stables. “Being caught kissing a lady in the greenhouse is one thing. It is quite another to be discovered having seduced the lady in a deserted dowager house.”
Somerton appeared to consider his words. “I suppose you are correct. A kiss Selby might excuse. Not what you actually did back there.”
“You are making an assumption there.”
Somerton smirked. “Of course it was just an assumption. I’m quite certain you two could keep your hands off each other,” he added sarcastically. “There was absolutely no kissing or touching, right?”
There was no point in replying when everything he said would be a lie. Every time they kissed, it was amazing. And led to far more incredible things.
“It’s all for the best, Blackburn.”
“Why is that?” Matthew jumped down and grabbed the reins.
“Have you ever thought that maybe Jennette isn’t ready yet?” Somerton jumped off his horse, grabbed the reins, and started walking toward the stables.
“Ready for what?”
Somerton stopped and looked back at him. “Marriage.”
Matthew laughed. “She is five and twenty. Well past the age most women marry. She’d planned to marry John five years ago.”
Somerton shook his head. “She believes you are like your father and brother. Besides that mess, is she in love with you?”
“Good God, man. Why is that important?” And yet, as soon as the words left his mouth he regretted them. He remembered her statement about wanting a husband who loved her and would be faithful to her.
“It is important,” Somerton whispered harshly. “Very important to her.”
Matthew frowned as he glanced over at the faraway look in Somerton’s eyes. “Never knew you were such a romantic, Somerton.”
His blue eyes darkened. “I am not. But Jennette is and you should appreciate that.”
Was Somerton in love with her too? “I will remember your words.”
Somerton shook his head as he led his horse to the stable boy. “Why don’t you court her? Let her come to know you better. She will see that you’re not a gambler and wastrel.”
“I don’t have time for writing her love notes and sending her flowers. I have to be married before the year is out.”
“What are your plans once we return to town?”
“I don’t have an idea.” Somehow, Matthew had to break through the barriers that held her bound.
Matthew handed the reins to the stable boy and turned to walk in the house. They had already decided he must return with Somerton and claim they’d been riding for most of the afternoon. Somerton grabbed his elbow and led him toward the path away from the house.
“Have you ever considered just asking her if she would marry you?”
“Why are you so concerned about my relationship with Jennette?”