Page 88 of Every Time We Kiss
“I can only assume that means no,” Somerton replied with a shake of his head.
Matthew clenched his jaw until his teeth ached. “You are the one who just said she needed more time.”
“She might need more time. If you did seduce her, which by the way I would be surprised if you hadn’t, you should propose to her.” Somerton’s normal smirking smile was gone, replaced with a dark scowl.
“When did you become the upright member of the ton, espousing the values of the day? Last I’d heard, you were the one with the reputation of a rake. How many ladies have you seduced and then left without a by-your-leave?”
“I content myself with widows and whores who don’t want or care about marriage.”
Matthew stared at Somerton, noticing the slight blush that crossed his cheeks.
“Ask her to marry you,” Somerton demanded.
“And if she refuses my offer?”
“Then you better hope she is with child so she has no choice.”
Matthew frowned. He’d been foolish not to take any precautions with her. She could easily be with child—his child. And the thought sent a rush of warmth to his heart. Until he remembered her tendency toward stubbornness.
“I’m not entirely certain that would change her mind regarding marriage.”
Somerton chuckled softly. “Selby loves his sister, but he would never allow her to ride out a scandal when there is a child involved.”
“She doesn’t need his consent to marry. Nor does she need his approval to ride out a scandal. She has enough money to do as she pleases.”
“You’re right, of course,” Somerton commented. “But she cares deeply for her family’s name.”
Matthew stared at him. Did Somerton know more than he pretended? Matthew knew the importance of her family name but how did Somerton? Could he also have stumbled upon their secret somehow?
“Then what am I to do?” he whispered and halted his stride.
“Offer for her.”
Offer for her. Yet, the idea of her refusing him brought back too many memories of rejection by his own parents. He was the second son. As long as David had remained healthy, there had been no reason to pay any attention to him. Matthew gave himself a mental shake. None of that mattered anymore.
“I shall take your words under consideration,” Matthew replied.
“Do more than that—propose to her.”
“Let’s get inside and make sure we greet Lady Aston in our riding clothes,” Matthew said, eager to change the subject. At this point, his life was spiraling out of control.
They walked around to the front of the house and the butler opened the door to allow them entrance.
“Good afternoon, my lords.”
“Good afternoon, Hanover,” they both said in overly loud voices.
Hearing the sound of feminine voices coming from the front salon, they walked deliberately toward the noise. Matthew tried to distinguish the voices until he made out Lady Aston’s overbearing tone.
“She has been gone all day. I believe a few of us should ride out to make certain she is all right. Even worse, Lord Blackburn has gone missing, too.”
The volume of chatter increased again. Matthew hurried his stride until he reached the salon.
“Did someone call my name?” he asked, standing at the threshold with Somerton by his side.
“Lord Blackburn?” Lady Aston’s face blanched. “No one had seen you in several hours, we thought…”
“Lord Somerton and