Page 65 of One Night Scandal
So who was lying?
Sophie seemed far too sincere about her praise of Mrs. Griffon. The obvious answer was Mrs. Griffon had lied about her age and previous employment. But either way, Mrs. Griffon had been in service as a governess to Sophie therefore she must know Sophie’s father.
A soft knock rapped at the study door. “Did you wish to see me, my lord?”
He turned to look at the older woman. With gray strands lining her light brown hair and a few wrinkles around her eyes, she appeared close to fifty. “Yes, Mrs. Griffon,” he said, rising at her entrance. “Please have a seat.”
She furrowed her brow. “Is something wrong?”
“I have a few questions that I would like to speak with you about.”
“Very well,” she said as she sat.
Nicholas returned to his seat and picked up the letter from Lord Westbury. “Mrs. Griffon, when you came into my employ you told me you had married at twenty, and nine years later your husband died. A year after that you went into the employ of Lord Westbury as a governess.”
“Yes, my lord. All that is correct.”
“So, if you don’t mind my asking, you are forty-six years old?”
He stared at her but only saw honesty shining in her eyes. “And you were only in Lord Westbury’s employ?”
“Yes, sir.” She looked down at her hands as she spoke.
“Who did you teach for Lord Westbury?”
“Lady Genna, of course.”
“For all twelve years?” he pressed.
Mrs. Griffon sat up straight and stared at him. “What exactly are you implying, my lord?”
“I met a woman who told me you were her governess for eight years. And it wasn’t Lady Genna.” Nicholas watched as Mrs. Griffon’s face drew pale.
“She told you?” she whispered.
“She was very excited that my daughter had you for a governess. She praised your intelligence and teaching methods. And she told me to insist you take Emma to the British Museum because you have a wealth of knowledge about it.”
Mrs. Griffon clapped her hand over her mouth as she blinked away tears. “How is she, my lord? I haven’t seen her in over four years.”
“Very well. Can I assume the reason Lord Westbury paid you to teach Sophie was because he is her father?”
“My lord, I apologize for not telling you the exact truth. I did work for Lord Westbury for twelve years. Eight years with Miss Sophie and then I replaced Lady Genna’s governess for four years.”
Mrs. Griffon bowed her head and nodded. “Please, my lord, if anyone discovers the truth Lord Westbury will cut her off financially.”
“I have no plans to announce that he is her father.”
“Then for what purpose do you need the information?”
“Leverage, Mrs. Griffon.” Seeing her frown, he added, “It might be enough to persuade her to marry me.”
“Oh, my lord, she would be such a splendid marchioness.”
Nicholas smiled fully. “I believe she would indeed, Mrs. Griffon.”
The next morning, Sophie finally made it downstairs by eleven. The morning sickness seemed to be getting worse with every passing day. Her breasts were so full and tender, even putting on stays bothered her. She had never been one to cry much but every little thing seemed to make her eyes water.