Page 66 of One Night Scandal
Glancing down at her calendar, she was relieved to see she had no clients today. She sat down behind her desk and finished her correspondence before picking up her book and returning to the salon. A nice day of reading would be just the thing to return her spirits to normal.
Only as she attempted to read the words on the page, the letters blurred together as her mind wandered back to her condition. She would have to make her decision soon. If leaving was her one option, then she would be forced to deal with her father’s wrath.
Perhaps she could convince him that this was the best for both of them. By leaving the country, no one would ever discover her father’s identity. That should please him enough to continue giving her an allowance. Then she could let a small apartment in Venice and build her business there. Without his money, she had no way of supporting herself and a baby.
But the biggest obstacle to leaving was Nicholas. No matter what had happened between him and Jennette, he deserved to know about his child. He would be furious if she had a boy. And worse, she wondered, if boy or girl, he would want to keep the child as he’d done with Emma. Sophie could not leave her child.
God, what a horrible mess this was.
“Ma’am, you have a caller,” Hendricks announced from the threshold. “Lady Blackburn is here to see you.”
Sophie stared down at her hands as anger filled her. Perhaps she should just confront Jennette and be done with this mess and her. “Send her in.”
“Shall I ring for tea?”
“No, Lady Blackburn will not be here long enough for tea.” Even as Sophie said the words, her eyes blurred with tears. While she had not been as close with Jennette as the others, the idea of losing a precious friendship was like a knife to her heart.
“Sophie,” Jennette said with a smile as she entered the room.
“Jennette,” Sophie said tightly. “What are you doing here at this hour?”
Jennette sat on the pale yellow chair. “I have some news I wanted to share with you.”
“I already know of your news.”
Jennette frowne
d and tilted her head. “I assumed you determined my condition but you don’t seem pleased about it.”
“Are you? Pleased that is?”
“I am now. At first I was concerned about what Matthew would say. He had wanted to wait a little longer so we’d been using the sponges you recommended.”
The same vinegar soaked sponges that Sophie had completely forgotten about with Nicholas that night in this very room. Had she used them the time they made love in the chair, she might not be in this condition. “So, Blackburn is fine with raising another man’s child?”
Jennette shot out of her seat. “What are you talking about?”
“I know, Jennette. I know the truth. I heard you and Ancroft talking in the garden at your party.”
Jennette’s blue eyes widened. “I have no idea what you are talking about, Sophie. There is nothing between Nicholas and I but friendship.”
“And a child.”
“A child? Sophie, what is this about?”
“I know the baby is his, not Blackburn’s.”
Jennette’s mouth gaped. “I cannot believe you would think such a thing! You are the one who matched us! You are the one who told me he was my true love.”
“You wouldn’t be the first married woman to have an affair once the heir is born,” Sophie said bitterly. She’d had such a good feeling about matching Jennette and Blackburn. How could she have been so wrong?
“I would never do such a thing, Sophie. And you offend me with your insinuation.”
“Enough, Jennette.” Sophie rose from her chair and folded her arms over her chest. “I don’t want to hear your lies any longer. Just get out of my house.”
“Gladly,” Jennette said, then turned and strode from the room.
Nicholas walked toward the receiving salon in Sophie’s house just as Jennette stormed down the stairs. Knowing Jennette’s wild nature, he wondered what had set her off this afternoon. He stopped to greet her.