Page 51 of Her Italian Soldier
Lucca and his father had enjoyed the long-awaited reunion. They needed time to cement their new relationship. He was starting on his remodeling plans for the farmhouse. He had a doctor’s appointment on Monday to see about his leg. The man had a new life to put together, plans to make.
Except for him to want her as his nurse, at no time had he talked to Annabelle about a future with her. If he’d ever told her he was in love … If he’d ever said he couldn’t live without her … He’d had opportunity after opportunity. Though they’d discussed her future, he hadn’t indicated he wanted to be a part of it, or her to be part of his.
She left a note on the terrace table for him.
Dearest Lucca. I’ve enjoyed this unexpected interlude with you more than you can possibly imagine, but interludes by their definition always come to an end. Ours is over, but I’ll never forget. The Amalfi Girl is gone until August, when I’ll be resurrected for the media blitz. I hope to see you then. Annabelle.
Steeling herself not to peek in on Lucca and kiss his mouth one more time, she stole out of the farmhouse with a heart heavier than the bags she’d packed. After closing the door behind her, she took off in the car with her purse. With a whole family ready to wait on him, Lucca would be perfectly taken care of.
Before she reached the villa, she phoned her parents, who were still up watching television before going to bed. They were overjoyed to hear she was coming home and told her they would pick her up at the airport. Her mom wanted her to stay with them for a few days, but Annabelle told her she had to get right back to work Monday morning.
She adored her family, but right now she was in too much pain to be leaving Lucca to think about anything else. Once she’d gotten off the phone, she had to pull over to the side of the road because she was sobbing so hard. Emotions she’d been holding back began to pour out of her. She didn’t know if she could stop.
In truth she felt more married to Lucca than she’d ever felt with Ryan and they’d only been together a week. When the worst of her paroxysms had passed, she wiped the tears off her face and lifted her head.
She needed to get going, not daring to hold up the men. For the first time since she’d been in Italy, she wished her makeup woman were here to give her a fresh face, but all that was over and Annabelle would have to make the repairs herself from now on.
Just like Stefana, you’re going to have to find a way to go on, Annabelle.
DR. COZZA motioned Lucca over to the screen to see his X-rays. “I’ve been through your file. The doctor who operated on you did an excellent job. I see no fractures. It appears the pain you’re having is local.”
He turned off the light and looked at Lucca. “I can take your plate and screws out right away.” The news elated him. “I believe it’s the right decision to prevent deterioration and stop the stinging. Some people don’t realize this procedure can be done and they wait years. Your doctor didn’t tell you?”
“He probably did, but I wasn’t listening at the time. Actually it was a friend of mine who’s a trained nurse. She said it was possible.”
“You’re lucky she was so on the ball.”
Dr. Cozza didn’t know the half of it. “This isn’t too soon?”
“No. You were operated on close to four months ago. You’re good to go. Let me talk to my nurse.” He stepped out of the examining room while Lucca paced the floor. Before long he came back. “I have an opening on Friday morning. You’ll have to be here by five-thirty to get prepped.”
“You can fit me in that fast?”
The doctor smiled. “I make room when my patient is a returning war vet hero.”
“Grazie,” Lucca murmured with heartfelt gratitude. That was only four days away. Lucca’s mind reeled. “If all goes well,
how soon can I get back to regular activity?”
“Two weeks on crutches, more to give the incision time to heal than anything else. You’ll need someone to help you. Then you can throw the crutches away.”
“Does that mean I’ll be able to drive and swim?”
He nodded. “And have sexual intercourse. That’s the greatest concern of all my patients with your kind of injury.”
After they shook hands, Lucca left the hospital and climbed in the limo he’d hired. He instructed the chauffeur to drive him back to Ravello. He called ahead to the villa and was relieved when Maria told him his father was busy in his office off the screening room, working out the details of the media blitz he was planning. After telling her to expect him, Lucca stared at the view, not seeing it because Annabelle’s image got in the way.
After waking up at four on Thursday afternoon and not finding her there, he’d called the villa, assuming she was having a conference with his father. When Maria told him she’d left for the airport with Mr. Jardine to fly home to Los Angeles, he almost did go into cardiac arrest. Then he saw her message on the patio table that left him shocked and then hurt to the quick.
At that point it had been too late to reach her by phone. She’d already boarded the plane. By the time he figured she’d touched down in California, he’d decided it was best to leave her alone until he’d been to the doctor.
When he knew anything about his condition and prognosis, then he’d know what to say to her.
“Lucca, come on in,” his father exclaimed when he saw him in the doorway. He got up to give him a hug and kiss him on both cheeks. “Do you have any idea how happy it makes me to know you’re just down the hill and can drop in on your old dad when you feel like it? Sit down. Tell me what’s on your mind.”
He explained about the new surgery planned for Friday, delighting his father that this operation could take away his pain altogether.