Page 52 of Her Italian Soldier
“Do you want to recuperate at the villa, or would you like me to find someone to care for you? Whatever suits you best.”
Lucca’s heart thudded. “I want Annabelle back.”
“Grazie a Dio!”
They stared at each other with a perfect understanding.
“Would you lean on Mel Jardine before I phone her?”
“You know I’d do anything for you.”
“Right now?”
His father broke down in laughter. “I’ve been waiting for the day when my bachelor son finally went running the right way.”
Annabelle waved to the salesman who’d been popping in and out the last few days to tell her they were glad to see her. But it was surreal to be back at the dealership. The receptionist out in front was doing her job. It was business as usual around the dealership.
“Line three for Colin.
“Line seven for Rick. Your party’s been holding for five minutes.”
“Line two for Annabellissima.”
The receptionist pronounced Lucca’s name for her like Annabellisthmus. She almost fell out of her chair from shock.
Trembling in every atom of her body, she picked up the phone. “H-hello, Lucca?” she stammered.
“I’ve needed to hear your voice. It’s felt like months.”
Years. She’d been praying for this. Her eyelids squeezed shut. “How are you?” She could hardly talk.
Her hand tightened on the receiver. “Why?”
“I saw the doctor today. He’s going to perform surgery on my leg Friday morning. He says I’m going to need help for two weeks. I don’t want anyone else but you around because you’re the only one who understands about all my problems. Do you think your boss would let you come for a medical emergency? I’ll prepay your airline ticket.”
Annabelle didn’t have to think. After talking to her mom the last few days, she wondered if she hadn’t made a mistake leaving Ravello so fast. What if Lucca had been waiting to have a serious talk with her? If so, Annabelle hadn’t given him a chance.
“Hold the line for a minute and I’ll ask him.” She lay the receiver down and raced into the adjoining office. Mel was on the phone. He gestured her to come all the way in and sit down until he was through.
She was too emotional to sit. He finally hung up from his call. “What’s going on? I’ve never seen you pace before.”
“Mel? Lucca just phoned me. He’s still on the line.” In the next breath it all came out in a gush.
He smiled. “I can hardly deprive him of a good nurse when I once had the best. Will you at least wait to fly back until Wednesday? I need your help with some matters backed up around here. You’re the only one who can sort them out.”
“Thank you!” She hugged him around the neck and hurried back to her office. “Lucca?” “Sì? You sound out of breath.” “I had to run to his office.” But that wasn’t why she was close to hyperventilating. “He says I can come. I probably won’t be there until Thursday. It all depends on my flight schedule.”
“Let me know the time and I’ll send a limo for you.” “Thank you.” After a pause she continued, “Lucca…?” “I can’t wait to see you. All that’s important now is that you’re coming back to me. Ciao.”
The doctor told Lucca the third day after surgery would be the worst. Maybe it was, but with Annabelle waiting on him, he didn’t notice it as much. It certainly couldn’t compare to the pain he’d suffered the night he’d come home and had fallen in the hallway.
“Uncle Lucca? Annabelle wants to know if you’re hungry for dinner.”
Fortunato had been a constant visitor in the evenings after he’d got off of work. He’d let him lean on him in and out of the shower. Lucca welcomed his nephew’s help.
When the two-week recuperation period was over, Lucca would be helping Annabelle into the shower, only one of the many things he planned to do with her. Tonight he planned to open up to her, but he was nervous. That, more than anything, had put him off his food.