Page 62 of No One But You
“And…” I ran my fingers around her slender thigh all the way to where our bodies met. “This.” I said slowly as my fingers swept through her pussy, my cock pulsing with the feel of my fingers stroking along the tip at the same time.
I brought them between our lips and swept them over hers before taking both digits into my mouth. Her eyes widened and her pupils ate at the bright blue of her irises as I slid them back out, tasting her arousal. Her breathing hitched and her leg wrapped tighter around me.
“I love the way you taste.” I licked her lips.
Her cleavage pushed against my chest as her breathing got heavier. Her nails biting into my flesh as she pushed me onto my back and her thighs straddled my hips. She touched her lips to mine in a deep and desperate kiss. Even if I couldn’t feel how wet she was, her kiss and her uncontrolled breaths would have told me. She trailed wet kisses down my jaw and my neck, all the way down my chest as she slid down my body. Her back arching as her arse lifted.
That image right there would be forever imprinted on my brain. Her eyes on mine as her lips moved down my body. Arse up in the air. It was perfect, and it was making my dick hurt with the need to show her just how much I loved her.
“What else?” She breathed as her mouth reached my groin. Her lips barely touching the tip of my cock. Her warm breath bathing my hot skin. “Tell me what else you love, Jamie.”
She licked across her bottom lip, her tongue skimming across the head of my cock. Her hands sliding down my torso.
Her mouth. That’s what else I loved, and she knew it. She knew that I loved everything about her, but the whole point of her question was to make me beg. I could tell from the cunning glint in her eyes. She wanted to play, but as she licked along my tip once again, this time pumping my shaft torturously slow, I knew I’d lost.
Her eyes skimmed deliberately and lazily up my body until they met mine again.
“What. Else. Babe?” Her finger circled my slit and swept down and around making my cock throb in her hand.
“Your mouth.” I breathed, giving her what she wanted. She sighed and smiled before she licked her lips and took me into her mouth. “Fuck, Quincy. I love your tongue and your lips.” Her tongue swirled around the tip of my cock as she took me deeper into her soft, warm mouth.
I could feel myself get harder the deeper and faster she pumped with her plump lips and her hand. Her hums vibrating down my shaft to my balls as her other hand squeezed the side of my glute. I could feel the warmth radiate to my extremities as I fisted her hair, slowing her down. She looked up at me in question.
“Too fucking good.” I just about managed to say as I grabbed the top of her arms and pulled her up my body. I flipped us over so she was pinned under me.
“I was enjoying that.” She smiled.
“So was I.” I dropped my lips to hers, tasting myself on her.
My hand tangled in her hair as I braced myself on my forearm, my other hand roving down her body to her pussy.
“I need inside you now.” I breathed into her neck as I thrust two fingers into her wet heat.
“Oh, Jee-sus.” Her moan was loud and husky. Her nails digging into my back as I removed my fingers and guided my dick to her opening. “Oh fuck. Please.”
I thrust deep into her in one stroke. Her back arched into me as her arms stretched over her head. She looked so beautiful lost to the moment. Her cheeks were flushed in a deep glowing blush and her skin was slightly dewy from our intimacy. I’d never seen anything as stunning as she was in that moment. Her moans became louder and breathier as her hands clutched at the pillows with every thrust. Our hearts thrumming into each other and her pussy clenching around me as she found her release. Her legs tightened around me, her heels digging into my arse cheeks pushing me deeper until I followed her into utter bliss.
There was a moment of peaceful, breathy and unmoving silence. Just the static of the air particles vibrating around each other as our hearts continued thrumming in contentment.
Her hands stroked up my back to my hair. Her fingers twisting and winding.
“I love you.” She hummed in my ear as I laid limply on her, completely unable to reply or move.
It was odd having everyone in my space. I liked it. It felt warm and cosy. Quincy had put Christmas Carols on in the background as everyone was milling about helping themselves to brunch. Dorian was already in the kitchen peeling the veggies and Willow was pacing by the front door waiting for the girls to arrive. Richard had called us to let us know they were running late because Jenna wasn’t feeling one hundred percent. It probably should’ve pissed me off, but it didn’t. I couldn’t wait for Molly and Pippa to actually get here and open their presents. I’d already asked Willow to sit down and relax a few times but she was having none of it. Anyone would’ve thought she was waiting for her kids.
Mum and dad were talking away to Gwen and Liam about their plans for the rest of the festivities. I honestly thought that both our mothers together would talk of nothing other than us, but they seemed to be on their best behaviour. Small mercies.
Looking around filled me with utter joy. Quincy was laying on the floor her legs swinging in the air as she played Snakes and Ladders with Daniel. That was her, always around the kids. She looked so happy and carefree. It was bizarre, I couldn’t remember a time since I’d left for the States where she was just her. No sadness. No worries. No regrets. Nothing but her. I took my phone out and sneaked a photo of her. I’d look at it every day to remind me to make her look like that all the time.
She looked up at me with her face scrunched up in a smiley scowl. “What?” She mouthed.
I shook my head as I smiled at her. Daniel looking between us as he shoved the last bit of his Nutella smothered toast in his mouth. He laughed as he wiggled his fingers in her face blobbing chocolate on her cheek, delighting when she swiped it off with her finger and made a show of licking it off. Her eyes briefly locking on mine in silent innuendo.
“Are you going to sit there all day and ogle the poor girl?” Mum sat next to me on the arm of the sofa.
I smiled at her as she elbowed my shoulder lightly. “I’m not ogling.”
“James Frederick Anson, you are an ogler.”