Page 63 of No One But You
“Am not.”
“Are too, and I don’t blame you one single bit.” Her hand rested on mine on my knee and she squeezed. “I’m so relieved that you’re finally happy. I wish both of you would’ve just cut out all that time of pretence and avoidance. You’ve loved that girl since the moment you laid eyes on her, we could barely pry you away from her even though you had Willow and Dorian at home.”
“That just sounds wrong.”
“Don’t be so absurd. Yo
u know what I mean. There are different kinds of love, Jamie. But the deepest kind is the one that grows and evolves. You have that with her.” She twisted toward me as she held my jaw. Her eyes narrowing like she was looking for something. “Quincy is like one of you to me.”
“I know.” Was she trying to warn me?
“Good. Don’t you dare mess it up.” Oh, wow. My own mother was giving me the talk. “Take good care of her, don’t neglect her—”
“I’m just making sure you understand what you have, that’s all. I’ve watched you pining after her since before you even knew what it really meant that she was a girl and you weren’t. Just…” She dropped her hand from my chin and smiled softly at me.
I appreciated what she was saying, but at the same time it seemed so odd that she was the one saying it. I’d expected it from Gwen, not my mother.
She stood and took a step toward where Daniel and Quincy were still playing their game and then she stopped and turned back to me with a quizzical look on her face. “And where is my grandbaby?”
“They’ll be here soon.”
“Oh, goody.” She smiled and rubbed her palms together as she wandered over to Quincy.
I watched as they both chatted for a while before the buzzer went off and Quincy raced to the door. The skirt of her deep red dress lifting slightly in her rush. And just like that the mood went from relaxed to excited. It was like everyone had been waiting on the girls. Daniel had already sat himself by the tree. He was itching to get his hands on his presents. Willow already had the door open tapping her toes impatiently as she and Quincy waited for the lift to come up. Dorian stood in the doorway of the kitchen wiping her hands on a tea towel. I suspected she was hoping it was more than just the girls turning up.
The moment the doors for the lift opened and Pippa ran at me was bliss. I missed her more than anything and although I completely understood why they were late, I was still antsy to see my baby. To smother her with all the affection I hadn’t been able to give her the last couple of days. It was a good thing I’d been working and that Jamie was around to distract me.
Pippa squeezed her arms around my neck, almost choking me with her cuddle as her legs wrapped around my waist. It was obvious she’d stayed at her dad’s. She was wearing a red poufy monstrosity that was better suited for a baby than a six-year-old. I’d hate to think how long it took them to get her to actually put it on.
“You okay, baby?” She nodded into my neck and I squeezed her a little more before she hopped down and tackled Willow. The pair of them together were insufferable.
Jamie had already taken a couple of the bags Richard and Jenna had brought with them inside. Willow and the girls were probably already ripping wrapping paper to shreds in the lounge. In all the excitement I hadn’t even noticed Edith standing behind Richard and a very fed up looking Jenna. She did not look well at all. Her bump had come along nicely. Considering she was past the halfway mark her figure was really rather tidy.
“Would you like to come in? Have a drink. The girls are going to open their presents now, maybe you’d like to stay for that?” I had no idea what came over me. Why was I always so bad at awkward situations?
I gave Jenna an awkward smile to match hers. She looked over at Richard and Richard looked at me before looking over his shoulder at his mother.
“Is that ok?” Jenna asked, her hands nervously rubbing her little bump as she cradled it. I’d forgotten how much difference a couple of months can make.
“Yes.” I shook my head as I moved aside holding the door open as she walked in followed by Edith and Richard.
“Hello, Quincy.” His mother stooped down a little to greet me with two over the top air kisses. Much like Richard she was tall, and she always wore heels.
I pulled back from her. “Hi.”
She looked me up and down a couple of times before smiling, “You look lovely, dear.” Richard ushered her further along. He knew his mother and I were barely amicable.
“I need to talk to you about something.” He said as he stopped beside me. “Do you have a moment?”
I could feel myself getting anxious, my hands getting clammy. What was going on now?
“Sure.” I closed the door and leaned back into it.
He smiled at me warily.