Page 223 of Private Lives
‘That you’re a friend. Why?’
‘Because everyone keeps asking when we’re going to tie the knot too.’
‘Oh, I’m sorry.’ She winced. ‘I guess it’s because it’s a wedding; everyone wants to play matchmaker.’
‘Don’t worry. I’ve told anyone that asks that we’re not dating. It’s just sex. It seems to shut them up.’
‘You haven’t,’ she gasped, although the thought secretly thrilled her.
‘I told Andrew’s mum it’s a good job she put us up in the attic, what with all the noise you make when you get excited.’
‘Please tell me you’re joking . . .?’
‘Okay, I’m joking.’
They were both laughing when Anna felt a tap on her shoulder.
‘Hey, guys, I’ve been looking for you.’
Anna composed herself.
‘Andy, how are you? I thought you might still be stuck in the office.’
He smiled. ‘I escaped just in time. Sophie wasn’t too happy I didn’t arrive in Italy until yesterday, though.’
‘When duty calls . . .’
‘I just wanted to say thank you for the story. I was talking to Charles, my editor, before we came out here, and he thinks his deputy is about to move on to the Sunday paper. He says the job’s mine if I want it.’
‘That’s brilliant news, Andy,’ said Anna. ‘You deserve it.’
‘I know. It’s what I’ve been working my arse off for nearly fifteen years for.’
A jazz band struck up and Andy cocked his head.
‘Sounds like my cue. I’d better get back to my bride.’ He looked at Anna as he turned away. ‘And thanks again,’ he said. ‘I mean it.’
Anna sat silently as he crossed the courtyard. Matthew touched her on the shoulder.
‘Don’t let him get to you,’ he said.
‘What do you mean?’
‘Andy. You’re too good for him. You always were.’
‘Oh, I know that.’ She smiled. ‘I wasn’t thinking about that anyway. I was thinking about what he said, the job on the paper.’
‘What about it?’
‘Well Sophie just told me she’s been offered a job in New York.’
‘Ah,’ said Matt. ‘So she’s not going to take it?’
‘Of course she is,’ laughed Anna. ‘Sophie always does what she wants to; you should have grasped that by now.’
Matt frowned.
‘But what about that little speech Andy just gave us?’