Page 224 of Private Lives
Anna shook her head.
‘He doesn’t know.’
Matt let out a laugh.
‘Is she going to tell him before they get married that she’s got his life mapped out on the other side of the Atlantic?’
‘Probably not.’
They gave each other a conspiratorial little smile. The courtyard was filling with couples dancing now, surrounded by a happy crowd laughing and clinking glasses in the balmy almond-scented air. Anna could feel Matt’s warm leg against hers, her skin tingling at his touch, and suddenly, more than anything, she wanted to kiss him.
‘Dance?’ he said, seconds before she was about to ask him. He looked at her nervously, as if he thought he’d overstepped the mark, wondering what her reaction would be.
‘I thought you’d never ask.’
He pulled her to him, palm against palm, hips moving together, his arm circling her waist. She knew he had come here as a friend, possibly because he felt sorry for her, probably because he had nothing better to do, and yet still, when he pressed his body against her, when his cheek brushed hers, she didn’t want to be anywhere else.
‘What’s your view on professional ethics?’ she whispered in his ear.
‘Is this about Helen?’
She shook her head. ‘I don’t even want to think about her,’ she said softly.
‘So what ethics?’ he asked.
She paused for a moment, feeling her throat become dry and her pulse quicken. Just say it, she told herself.
‘I mean, as my boss. What would you do if I kissed you?’
He smiled and pulled her towards him.
‘Let’s find out, shall we?’ he said, as his lips brushed softly against hers, tender and soft. He pulled away, then kissed her again, harder. And as she kissed him back, their mouths joined, bodies entwined, she felt every nerve ending shiver with both desire and belonging. Finally the music stopped and she opened her eyes. Her hands were trembling between Matt’s big palms.
‘Shall we go somewhere a little quieter?’ he said as they reluctantly pulled
She nodded, and they walked out of the courtyard hand in hand, following a path down towards the gardens.
‘I think I’ve been wanting to do that since about the first day I saw you,’ said Matt.
‘The day of the lunch?’
He shook his head, smiling.
‘At the lunch I wanted to kill you.’
‘I wasn’t that impressed with you either.’ Anna smiled.
‘Well, I hope you’ve changed your mind.’
‘Maybe,’ she said. ‘Probably.’
They walked away from the party until they found a stone bench hidden in an alcove.
‘So why didn’t you?’ asked Anna. ‘Kiss me, I mean.’
He laughed.