Page 116 of Original Sin
‘It will be,’ she said coolly, opening her phone again and scrolling through her numbers.
Who shall I call, she wondered. Buffy Meyers, perhaps? Jasmine Pilcher? Someone in her social database would be able to help. Because, for the first time ever, Paula Asgill was looking for a good divorce lawyer.
Tess was on a mission. As soon as she got into the office on Monday morning, she headed straight for Patty Shackleton’s.
‘Pats, I need a favour,’ she said, popping her head around the door.
It was seven a.m. and Patty Shackleton already looked hard at work.
‘I’m not sure I can handle another sex scandal,’ she said wearily. ‘Everyone seems to be getting it except me.’
Sliding into the chair opposite the lawyer, Tess launched into her story of Kevin’s custody fight with Melissa. When she had finished, Patty sat back in her chair and steepled her fingers in front of her mouth and chuckled, ‘And when did you become the patron saint of lost causes?’
‘Hey, don’t be like that,’ said Tess. ‘Jack is my friend and he needs my help.’
‘And the father, this Kevin? He wouldn’t be the strong handsome type by any chance, would he?’
‘I’ve had enough of men,’ Tess smiled cynically.
For a moment, Patty sat there, thinking. Even though they were friends, Patty’s calm unnerved Tess. She wasn’t used to dealing with someone so composed, not after a decade of working in newspapers, where anger was regularly vented in outbursts of expletives and desk–thumping. Finally Patty said, ‘I’m not a family lawyer.’
‘But you are a lawyer,’ insisted Tess, ‘a good one.’
‘I’m a lawyer who works fifteen hours a day for the Asgills. I have no life, let alone spare time to go on a crusade. I just don’t have the time for taking on board Kramer versus Kramer.’
It was exactly the way Tess had expected her to respond. After all, Tess would have said the same thing six months ago. Back then she had practically been allergic to children, but now, having got to know and care for Jack and his father, she couldn’t stand by and watch their family broken up.
‘That little boy means the world to Kevin,’ she said. ‘I don’t know how he’d react if his wife took Jack away.’
‘Then why can’t he get a lawyer?’
‘Because he just hasn’t got that type of money. As we speak, he’s probably on the Internet trying to do it himself, taking advice from amateur Judge Judys.’
Patty raised a hand, ‘Okay, okay. I get the picture.’
‘He’s single–’
‘And that’s supposed to make a difference?’
‘He’s cute too … ’
Tess could see the crack of a smile on her friend’s lips.
‘All right, what do you want me to do?’ said Patty with a note of slight exasperation.
‘Meet Kevin. Give him some advice. In fact, let’s make a night of it. Come to mine for supper tomorrow and I’ll invite Kevin. I’ll get Jemma in too and we can all put our thinking caps on.’
Patty looked wary. ‘I’ll be working late all week,’ she said.
‘Friday night then,’ said Tess, refusing to give up. ‘No one works late on a Friday night.’
Patty let out a long breath. ‘Okay, as long as you make one of those English roasts with those funny little potatoes.’
‘It’s a deal!’ said Tess. ‘I might even do bread sauce.’