Page 117 of Original Sin
Tess got up and backed out through the door before she could change her mind.
‘Eight p.m.,’ she said, ‘and maybe you should think about dressing up?’
‘Out!’ shouted Patty, throwing a paper clip at the space where Tess had been.
Tess’s apartment was more crowded than it had been since she had arrived in New York.
Four people in the little flat was enough to make it feel like a party, especially as Kevin and Jemma were already halfway through a bottle of Chablis by the time Patty rang the doorbell.
‘So where’s the roast?’ she asked as she handed Tess her Armani coat.
Tess held up a carton of noodles. ‘Well … I thought I’d call in Chinese instead. Didn’t want anyone to die of food poisoning.’
Patty rolled her eyes, then extended her hand to Kevin and Jemma. Kevin stood up, almost jumping to attention as he shook her hand. Tess could see why Kevin was looking intimidated, especially as Patty wasted no time in sitting down and opening her notebook.
‘The situation is this,’ she said finally, pausing for a sip of wine. ‘New York State doesn’t recognize one parent as being better than the other. However, the fact that you and Melissa never married puts a slightly different complexion on things.’
Kevin face, which minutes before had looked hopeful, now seemed to fall. ‘So the court will rule in Melissa’s favour?’
‘No, not exactly. The fact that Jack currently lives with you helps enormously. What we need to do is prove to the court that this is a stable home for Jack.’
Tess looked at Kevin. ‘Well, that will be easy – it is, isn’t it?’
Patty shook her head. ‘I’m afraid it is a claim that Melissa will try and sabotage.’
Kevin nodded. ‘I thought of that, so I’ve already asked about getting school reports to show that Jack is happy and settled and doing well.’
‘Good start,’ said Patty. ‘We need more of that. People in the community who can attest to your stability as a family unit – perhaps a priest or a doctor? We just need to gather as much evidence in our favour as possible and try and anticipate where Melissa’s people will try to trip you up.’
She paused and smiled. ‘And on top of that, there are a few tricks I’ve learned in corporate law. Winning is not just about firefighting, it’s about going on the attack.’
‘You mean you need to prove Melissa is a crappy mother?’ said Jemma.
Patty smiled. ‘That would certainly help.’
‘Well, you’ve come to the right place. I can do some snooping around,’ said Jemma, snapping a prawn cracker. ‘She lives in Greenwich right? That’s not too far. I bet you fifty quid she’s no Mother Teresa.’
‘It’s dollars now, Jem,’ smiled Tess. They continued the discussion as they picked at the takeaway and opened more wine, laughing and joking, although Tess thought that Kevin was still looking cautious. As Jemma cleared away the plates, he began playing nervously with the cuff of his smart pale blue shirt.
‘I just want to say how grateful I am to all you ladies,’ he said haltingly. ‘But I want you to know I’ve got money. I got a five thousand–buck loan from a friend, so I want to pay everyone for what they’re doing.’
A quiet, uncomfortable hush descended around the table.
‘That won’t be necessary, Kevin,’ said Patty gently. ‘I’m happy to look after this for the moment, and if it starts getting too time–consuming, then I’ll hand it over to a friend of mine who has a great family law practice in Brooklyn.’
‘I don’t know what to say,’ said Kevin.
‘My pleasure,’ she said, waving his thanks away, then glanced down at her Cartier watch. If Tess didn’t know better, she’d say she was a little embarrassed.
‘I’d better go,’ she said, closing her notebook. ‘I have to be in work at six.’
‘It’s Saturday tomorrow, Pats,’ smiled Tess, walking her to the door. ‘I thought it was only me who was on duty twenty–four/seven.’
‘Thanks,’ said Tess simply when they were out of earshot of Kevin and Jemma. Patty hooked her Bottega Veneta bag over her shoulder and opened the front door. ‘You know what?’ she said, her face shining, ‘it felt good tonight. I’ve definitely been working in the corporate jungle too long – sometimes you need to come up for fresh air.’
Silently Tess agreed with her.