Page 68 of Sound of Darkness
“We’ve missed something,” Mark said, hearing Ragnar’s voice. “I was about to call you. I want to take Megan Law to watch while Colleen questions Carver again.”
“Now?” Ragnar asked. “It’s getting late.”
“Right. But we’ll drive right there. I wondered if—”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll get it set up.”
“Megan is going back to New York. We’ll do the interview and get her to the train station. I don’t know what you want to do—”
“Look for Brant Pickering.”
“I’ve had my eyes on the Ayerses’ house. Well, I’ve been sneaking around the yard, looking in. Seems Gary is staying there and not slipping out anywhere. Last I looked, they were playing Monopoly.”
“So, what about Brant Pickering?”
“Cops were watching the hotel and Sally’s place. He and Sally got in his car and headed to a shopping district. The cops followed best they could and Sally came out and got in her car. Brant Pickering didn’t.”
“Did they check the store they were in?”
“Come on, Mark. Of course. They’ve checked the area. They’re still out looking.”
“What about Sally?”
“Cops followed her home. They’re watching the home again, and I’ve got a couple of our agents playing tag team on it now.” He hesitated. “I’ll meet you for the interview with Carver. Get going. I’ll arrange it as I drive. But start without me if necessary. DC area rush hour traffic. Let’s hope we maneuver it well.”
Colleen, Megan, and Sergeant Parker were watching him; they’d gotten the gist of the conversation.
“Let’s go. Sergeant Parker, as usual, thank you.”
“Sir, I’ll be getting back to you,” Megan promised him. “I’ll be working the case from a journalist’s point of view as soon as I’m on the train!”
“Thank you,” Parker told her. “Go!” he commanded.
The three of them hurried to the car.
Colleen worried about Megan, saying, “I think you should spend another night—”
“I really need to get back to work. There’s an art meeting I need to be part of. I need to convey a different planet—a different world—to our artists. It’s sad but true; a book is often judged by its cover!”
“But we won’t get you to a train until about seven and you said—”
Megan waved a hand in the air. “That’s when there was no reason for me to stay. I’m heading to NYC! People, bright lights everywhere. I’ll be fine. The train station is about two blocks from my apartment—two heavily traveled blocks.”
“Colleen, hey! Come on. I need to be at work tomorrow.”
Red—in the back seat with Megan—set his nose affectionately on her lap. She smiled and pat the dog, talking to him, telling him he really needed to meet her girl. The dogs could be best friends.
They arrived for the interview, checked their guns, and were escorted by guards. At the security desk, they were told Carver was being transferred the next day to a federal facility.
“The DA and your people have been meeting, and they want him up on federal charges because Virginia and DC and Maryland are all involved between the different women and the way they were buried in the forest. And they’re afraid of him getting off if he isn’t held without bond while they’re getting their ducks in a row. Of course, Special Agent Gallagher, you and your partner will need to testify. His lawyer is going to argue illegal search and seizure, and Carver’s arguments continue that Sally wanted to be with him.”
“All right, thanks. I’m sure our office has been informed,” Mark said. “We’ve been in the field.”
The guard nodded. “You’ve got to nail this guy.”
“Absolutely,” Mark agreed.
He slipped into the observation room along with Megan and discovered Ragnar had actually beat them there.
“Thank you,” he said stiffly to Megan.
“I don’t know if I can help or not,” she said.
“That’s a given,” Ragnar said.
“Hey, let’s listen,” Mark said quickly.
Colleen entered the interview room where Carver already waited. He was beaming again. Apparently, he was extremely fond of getting to see Colleen.
Too fond.
But Jim Carver was in shackles; the shackles were hooked to the table.
No way he’d get at her.
“You’re a liar,” Colleen said to him, taking the chair in front of him.
“What?” Carver said. “Oh, sweetie, I tell you the truth.”