Page 69 of Sound of Darkness
“What truth is that? You are The Embracer? You aren’t The Embracer? You see, I think you’re just a desperately sick man, and you preyed upon Sally, who doesn’t have your demented taste in sexual activity. But as to being someone really out there...nope. Some other guy is The Embracer!”
“Hey. I like passion! And Sally is the liar. She likes passion too. She is the neediest creature on earth. She cried when I left her each time. And as to someone else...”
“Our sessions are recorded,” Colleen reminded him. “I mean, in court, you’re going to have a bad time. You’ve basically confessed to murder.”
“Tricked and coerced confessions are no good,” Carver said.
She shrugged. “I think there is someone out there way better than you. I mean, someone who has a whole setup. Coffins like that don’t build themselves, and they weren’t store-bought. The real Embracer is still out there.”
“You’re an idiot. Damned gorgeous, but an idiot. How the hell did they let you in the FBI? Oh, wait—that’s right. The agency is full of idiots.”
“He is still out there!” she repeated.
“Do you have any idea what the forests in and around the Blue Ridge are like?” Carver asked, obviously aggravated. “I’m innocent of everything but trying to help a desperately hurt and horny woman, but come on!” He started to laugh. “Forests are full of trees!”
“I see. You find your own trees and cut the pine?” she said.
“You can never see the forest for the trees,” he said, laughing.
“The lumber was store-bought. Sold in hundreds of home shops across the area,” Colleen said.
“I never said I cut pine. I merely pointed out you’re like a pack of dogs. Oh, yeah, there is a dog, but your pack sniffs butts and chases tails. Idiots. Which is good for me, because I’m going to walk out of court a free man.”
“You think so?” Colleen asked.
“I know so.”
“You’re not The Embracer. Another man will get the fame.”
“I will walk out a free man.”
“Oh, Mr. Carver, I do not think so,” Colleen assured him.
Carver leaned back, jaw tightening as he considered his reply.
Mark, Ragnar, Red, and Megan watched as Colleen confronted Carver. They had all been silent.
Then Megan spoke. “She’s got him aggravated,” she said softly. “Good.”
“I think you’re underestimating Sally and the dozens of people who can testify to her character,” Colleen said.
“But desires like hers are necessarily kept secret,” Carver said.
“You’re going to be locked away forever, I promise you,” she told him.
He leaned as close as he could to her.
“You never see what is...up front.Right in front of your oh-so-royal asses!”
“Really? Your hideout—where you prepare your coffins for the girls you kill—is right in front of us?”
“Not my hideout! But you people are so stupid. I’m sure if The Embracer has a hideout, it would bite you all right in your royal asses!”
“Prison or execution?” Colleen said cheerfully.
“You can get her out of there,” Megan said.
“He hasn’t said anything,” Ragnar told her with a frown.
“Yes, he did,” Megan said.
“I’m going in,” Mark said with determination. “If you think you’ve got something, this can end.”
He walked out of the observation room, nodded to the guard at the door to the interview room, and stepped in.
“We’re needed,” he said to Colleen.
“Oh, don’t take her away!” Carver said. “You can go away, but don’t take her away!”
“They’ll be taking you away soon enough,” Mark told him. He smiled.
Carver kept his own smile in place, but his eyes hardened.
“I think this is the last time you’ll be seeing Special Agent Law, Mr. Carver. So sad!”
“Oh, I don’t think so!” Carver said.
Mark ignored him and ushered Colleen out.
“Megan thinks she’s got something,” he told her.
“From that?”
They headed back to the observation room.
Colleen hurried to her sister. “Megan?”
“He was taunting you—teasing you the whole while.”
“Always,” Colleen agreed. “But what did he say?”
“Well, first, has he called you ‘royal asses’ before?”
“I believe he has called us asses and idiots many times,” Colleen said.
“No, no, you’re not listening to me right now,” Megan said, smiling. “Has he called you royal asses before—and suggested that everything is right in front of you?” Megan asked.
“He always treats us like jerks.”
“The Embracer likes to taunt people. We suspect he is The Embracer, right? That someone else is out there, but he is the man who killed the first two women who were taken?” Megan said.
“Right,” Mark said.