Page 14 of Bishop
The door to the office swings open, banging against the frame of the building as it almost comes off its hinges.Drew Walker storms out.His laser focused gaze is on me and I’m immediately hit with foreboding like I’ve never felt.Fire is flying from his eyes in a way I’ve never seen.Legit, he’s looking like he could murder me and, for just a moment, I hope Harley remembers me and lets our child know how much I loved them both.My life is flashing before my eyes because there’s one thing that’s abundantly clear.
Drew knows.
Caelin stands next to me, whistling through his teeth.“Shiiitttt.”
“Yeah.”I inhale deeply, wishing we weren’t about to have this confrontation.However, I know I’ll have it a million times for Harley.I’d do absolutely anything for her, including getting capped at the knees.
“You.”Drew points to me.“Back there.”
Fuck my life.He means back behind the garage and, while I’m scared, pride puffs my chest up.In fact ,I’m willing to take whatever Drew’s going to give me.I respect them all that much.Caelin taps my back in solidarity.While I appreciate it, the feeling does absolutely nothing for me.
We round the corner and I mourn being out of view of everyone else.Hopefully, Drew won’t murder me with witnesses but, if we’re being honest, they’d all stand by him.His gaze heats my neck before I turn around, preparing to face the firing squad.
He crosses his arms over his chest, eyeing me up and down.The judgment is coming strong, as is the anger vibrating between us.“Were you ever going to tell me?”
This puts me in an extremely uncomfortable situation.Pitched between father and daughter.I love them and am loyal to them both.Shrugging, I blow out a raspberry.“That was her decision.It wasn’t mine.”
That anger vibrating earlier?It’s now radiating and all of the red-hot irritation is focused right at my chest.“The fuck it was.I trust you with her; I always have.You should’ve been honest with me.In this moment, I feel betrayed, Bishop, and I don’t love it.For the last year, you’ve lived with us; I’ve treated you like a son.I expect my kids to be honest with me and this?It stings.”
Drew giving me the disappointment speech stings too, but he’s not my top priority.Harley is and I’ve got to remain true to her.No matter how badly it affects my relationship with him. In defense, I throw back, “I didn’t lie.”
He blows out a breath, obviously not here for my shit.“By omission.”
I decide to call him on it.Harley’s her own woman and she doesn’t like anyone standing up for her, even the man who raised her.Which is why I know she wouldn’t have wanted me to say anything before she did.“You know if she had any idea you were back here with me, she’d be pissed.She does a pretty good job of taking care of herself.There’s no need for us to do it for her.”
Calling me on my bluff, he grins, his teeth in a straight line.It’s almost a grimace, but it’s hard for Drew Walker to look ugly.Even I can admit that.“But she won’t find out about it, will she?”
“Not from me she won’t.”I shake my head.“I would rather eat crow than let her think we were discussing her without her permission and starting to make plans that would involve her.”
“Speaking of plans, what are yours?”
Leveling him with a glare, I give him my truth.“This isn’t the eighteen hundreds.I don’t plan on asking for her hand in marriage just because she’s pregnant.When we decide to do that, it’ll be because we’ve thought about it, realize what it means, and want to do it.Not because we feel like we have to.”
He grits his teeth.I guess it’s hard letting go of your kid.I’ll be figuring that out in about eighteen years or so.His next question stuns me.“You plan on taking care of her?”
My chest almost hollows as if it’s been punched.Like he thinks my feelings for her are dependent on if she carries my kid or not.The fuck?“If I didn’t respect you so much, I’d lay you out where you stand.Pres or not.”
His smile catches me off-guard and I realize this was some sort of test.At least it looks like I’ve passed it.“That’s what I needed to hear and I think you know it.I worried about Justice after she got kidnapped, but I think I’ve worried more about Harley.She blamed herself.No matter what we did in the months and years after it happened, Harley seemed to be trying to fix what was broken for her sister.It’s high time she decides to fix what’s broken for her.I think the perfect way for her to learn to trust herself again is to start this new adventure with you.”
While I don’t think I’m going to be looking at this as an adventure anytime soon, I do understand what he’s trying to say.“Don’t you think I know that?I’d venture to say Harley’s told me more about her life than she’s told you.There’ve been nights where she’s woken up screaming because she’s scared her sister is gone again.Because she thought someone was going to hurt you, her mom, Will, place anyone else’s name there.Harley has a fear she doesn’t often express.She wouldn’t let me love her if I didn’t give her the chance to be herself.Which is why I won’t be telling her what to do anytime soon.”
He winces when I mention Harley’s nightmares then grins, obviously liking the rest of what he’s heard.There’s a gleam in his eyes I’ve never seen and I get a warmth I’ve never felt.One I always wanted from my dad, but never got.“I have to give it to you, kid.You don’t back down and, while it’s annoying, I have to respect it.”
Unexpected emotion clogs my throat.All I’ve ever wanted is someone to say they’re proud of me and this is the closest I’ve ever gotten.I’ll take it, hold it close to my heart, and strive for the actual words another day.“She and the baby will be safe with me.No matter what may happen in the future, we’re always going to have one another and I’ll be damned if I let anyone take that away from us.”
Pulling my car up outside of the office across the street from the Sheriff’s office, I give myself a few minutes and think about all the times I’ve been here.It’s not as often as Justice, obviously.She loved this place and would want to come here instead of going to daycare on the rare days we actually had to go.If someone were to ask me, I couldn’t tell you the last time I was here.I make it a point to never be this close to the Sheriff’s office when I know the things that come in and out of our shop.Especially some of the things Caelin and Bishop have their hands in.I don’t like lying, no matter what I’m doing right now, and I don’t make it a point to do it when I don’t have to.
Getting out, I stop for a moment and square my shoulders.If I walk in there with less confidence than I normally have, she’s going to think I’m dying and that’s the last thing I want.
Going in, I chance a glance over at Justice.Her eyes shine and her smirk gives her away.“Here to talk to Mom?”
“You know I am,” I argue.