Page 15 of Bishop
“Morning Harley,” Mandy says from over at her desk.“Haven’t seen you around lately.”
“Been super busy, which is why I’m here.Haven’t talked to Mom in a while.She back there?”I point toward where her office is.
“Sure is.Good to see you.”
“You too.”I wave at my aunt, hoping she doesn’t think I’m acting too weird.Carefully, I stroll toward Mom’s office, my steps slowing down to a snail’s pace the closer I get.Her door is open and I take a moment to watch her before I announce myself.
She’s always sat behind the desk so regally, as if she’s holding court to anyone standing in front of her.When I was little, I felt like I was in the principal’s office when I came here.Like, because the desk was so big, she was looking down on me.As I’ve gotten older, I realize exactly how proud I am of her for sitting behind that desk.She’s fought hard to have this job and the respect that goes with it.No matter how far we’ve moved as a society, women of her caliber are looked down upon and, while I’ve always wanted to be like the men in our family, I’m learning the women have a lot to be proud of too.
“Harley?”She glances up.“What are you doing here?Is everything okay?You never come to the office.”
Now that she’s seen me, I walk through the threshold and have a seat in one of the chairs facing her.This is harder than I thought it would be, even harder than telling Dad.But then again, I didn’t have to tell him.He figured it out because of my rebellious stomach.
Which is rolling right now, threatening to make itself known.I’m not good at beating around the bush so I decide to go right in.Sitting forward, I clasp my hands and do my best to level my voice.“Dad knows so I figure you won’t be too far behind.After this, we’ll tell everybody, but I wanted to make sure you knew before.”
Worry crosses her face as soon as she hears my words.She’s firing questions off at me faster than I can hear them.“What’s going on?Are you dying?You never come to my office.This is making me super nervous.”
Unclasping my hands and holding them out to get her to stop making guesses that aren’t true, I talk loudly over her.“I’m not dying.”
She claps her mouth shut and then begins talking again once she’s taken stock of the situation.“Well thank God for that.What’s going on then?”
The card I have in the pocket of my purse is burning a whole in it.I can feel it on my thigh where I have my purse propped.“I don’t know how to come out and say this so I’m just going to.”
Her eyebrow raises and she nods, all no nonsense.“You know I always say rip the bandaid off.There’s no sense in beating around the bush.Especially not when it comes to me.I like cold, hard facts.Always have.”
Reaching into my purse, I rub the purple envelope through my fingers, trying to get the guts to pull it out and hand it to her.There’s a long stretch of silence.It runs long, almost to the point where it’s comical, until I can get my nerve up.Grasping the card, I pull it out and hand it over to her.“Okay, here you go.”
She flips the envelope over and over in her fingers, examining it closely.“What is this?”
Why do people always have to ask questions?Why can’t they just open things?I have no patience for it so my voice is exasperated as I give her an order.“Open it and find out.”
I’m trying to imagine how she’s feeling as she sees the words on the card.Talking about grandparents and how important they are.In some instances, my mom is better at hiding her feelings than my dad.Her gaze is hooded as she looks at me, careful to not expose any of what she’s thinking.“Oh my gosh, Harley.Is this what I think it is?
I nod, a smile spreading across my face.“It’s exactly what you think it is.”
This time, her gaze is worried.Full of parental concern as she looks me up and down.“Are you okay?”
“I’m surprised.”I laugh, shaking my head.“Wasn’t in the plans, but here we are.”
She laughs along with me.“Bet so.How is Bishop?And you told your dad?”
My voice is strangled as I think about how Dad found out.“I did.Dad actually figured it out on his own.I puked when I smelled his coffee.”
There’s pride shining from her eyes now.“Just like me.”
I nod, shrugging slightly.“That’s what he said, anyway.”
“It’s true,” she confirms.“I couldn’t smell it for the entirety of any of my pregnancies.Did he tell you about the preggie pops?”
“Gave them to me and told me a little secret.”I grin.“Apparently he’s been hoarding them since you had Will.Or maybe since you had us, I’m not real sure about the logistics.”
“What?He had them?”Her voice is high-pitched as if she can’t believe he’s hidden this from her.Truth is, I’m slightly surprised too.
“He did.He likes the way they taste.”I shrug.
She shakes her head.“Wonders never cease, but there’s other things we need to think about here.I’m going to have to look and see if our health insurance will still cover you since you’re pregnant.If not, we’ll get you on another insurance plan.”
This is the type of stuff I haven’t thought about and truly didn’t know I was supposed to.“What else do I need to know?”
She tilts her head to the side.“More than you ever thought you’d have to.But I am beyond honored to be the one to show you and stupidly excited to welcome your baby into this world.”
Tears pool in my eyes and I tilt my head back, glancing up and giving thanks that these two are my parents.Without them, I don’t know what in the world I would do.