Page 34 of Falcon’s Rise
Chapter 9
“What’s wrong brother?” Savage asked as I hung up my phone, carelessly dropping it without a care as I buried my head in my hands.
Why in the fuck was shit like this happening?
We fought rapists. We fought pedophiles. We fought women beating sons of bitches.
What we couldn’t fight was a fucking disease that was trying to take over Collins’s body.
I know we are not the only ones dealing with this shit. I know that there are some kids that have it worse than Collins did. But they weren’t Collins. They weren’t my buttercup.
They didn’t look at you and melt your heart. They didn’t breathe out rays of sunshine like she does.
Lifting my head, not giving a damn that my brothers were about to see me break down.
Breathlessly, I grated out, defeat evident in my tone, “The chemo and the meds aren’t working anymore. They’re discussing other avenues.”
I felt hands coming to my back. I may not have claimed them both… yet. But my brothers knew they were mine.
They would throw down for them just like they did the ole’ ladies and the kids. Conleigh and Collins were no different.
“Fuck this shit. We are fifteen minutes from the hospital. Let’s roll the fuck out.” I looked up at Powers, shocked.
We were meeting an arms dealer to talk about getting into the gun trade like our mother charter had done. If this deal went through, it meant smooth sailing in the green department. None of us were hurting by any means, but this?
I knew Cam didn’t want to say it, but it needed to be said, even though the words came out tasting like acid from my mouth, “Powers, we don’t blow off deals like this.”
Powers growled, pulled his phone from his pocket, and placed a call, “Yeah, one of our brothers has a daughter that needs us at the hospital.” He paused as he listened to whatever the other guy was saying and then nodded. “Yeah, that works.”
He hung up and then looked at us. “We’re meeting them tomorrow at the same time in a different location.” That was when Powers tossed the burner to the ground and stepped on it with his boot.
Only then did he pick up the phone and toss it in his saddlebags to get rid of later, safely.
And with a shocked expression on my face, I picked my phone back up, pocketed it, and started my girl.
Normally, that familiar purr from her would calm me, but I was anything but calm as we pulled out of the dilapidated warehouse lot and headed for the doctor’s office.
We made the fifteen-minute drive in ten minutes as we pulled into the parking lot and backed our bikes in a long line near the end of the parking lot.
While the prospects stayed to watch over the bikes, we all headed into the hospital.
We just arrived on Collins’s floor- a sea of black leather was seen walking down the hall to her room.
Looking in to see that she was sleeping and that Conleigh wasn’t in here, I turned and walked to the nurses’ station.
But not before Cam placed his hand on my shoulder and titled his head to Collins.
As for the rest of my brothers, they were at my back when the nurse lifted her head and the moment she locked eyes on our kuttes, gone was the stoic expression on her face.
“Umm, hi… how can I help y’all?” All my taken brothers rolled their eyes at the flirty tone she had used. Woman… Please.
Powers glared, pointed over his shoulder, and said, “His daughter is in that room. His ole’ lady needs him. Can you tell us where she is?”
The nurse stammered then and said, “I.. I.. th… think… I saw her follow… th… the doctor to his office.”
This nurse was keeping me from my woman. Growling, I asked, “And that’s where?”