Page 35 of Falcon’s Rise
She stood then and scurried out from behind the desk and said, “F… follow me.”
Normally we would tell her she needed to take a fucking chill pill, and that we weren’t going to hurt her, but right now? At this moment? I didn’t give a fuck what she thought.
The moment the nurse stopped, and pointed to a closed door, she turned on her white tennis shoes and practically raced back down the hall.
Shaking my head, I opened the door, not bothering to knock.
And the sight before me, seeing that motherfucker with his hand on my woman’s shoulder, comforting her? Fuck no.
I knew Conleigh didn’t know we had come in when I heard her mumble, “Whoever you are, please take your hand off my shoulder.”
The doctor lifted his hand immediately, and when he looked up, his face instantly paled.
My brothers all had their eyes pointed to the stuttering fuck, “Wh… who… who the hell are you?”
My eyes though? They were only directed at my woman and when I saw her spine stiffen, then that head of shiny black hair slowly turned in my direction, I watched as different emotions flashed across her face.
But the one that didn’t shock me at all… that was the love that shone brightly in those powder blue colored eyes… for me.
She was up and out of her chair so fast that she knocked it back as it slammed into the doctor’s legs.
We were close enough to stop it, but none of us did. The bastard shouldn’t have had his hand on my woman.
Opening my arms for her, I braced as she plowed into my body, her arms curling around my kutte as I wrapped mine around her, holding her as close to me as I could.
And then I felt it.
Warm tears cascaded down her cheeks and onto my t-shirt.
Rubbing her back, I pressed my lips to the top of her head and whispered, “I’ve got you, Baby girl.”
I knew she wasn’t upset about this fucker trying to comfort her. No, not my woman. She was upset over Collins.
My brothers didn’t move. They only glared at the piece of shit that had the notion now to look scared.
“What’s going on in here?” Another doctor walked in with a folder of what looked like forms.
“These… these barbarians came into this room without permission.” The fucker stuttered.
Lifting my head from Conleigh, I lifted an eyebrow and said, “Come again?”
Oh, so just seconds before, his face hadn’t paled, especially when he said, “You heard me.”
“You grew a set of balls after we walked in here?” The tears slowed as Conleigh snorted.
Did the pencil dick not realize how much danger he was in?
And that was when, apparently, Skinner had enough of the man’s stupidity. He stepped up to him, looked down at the doc, and growled.
The man squealed like a five-year-old little girl and fled the room. That had the effect of making everyone in the room chuckle.
That was when the doctor that had stepped into the room walked to his desk and sat down. “I’m very sorry. He is a new doctor. Since Conleigh was distraught, I didn’t want her to be alone. So I asked him to step in here while I grabbed the forms she needs to sign so we can search for a bone marrow transplant. I’ll be having words with him.”
Nodding, I loosened my hold on Conleigh when she lightly pressed on my chest, but she didn’t go far, not that I would have let her. She turned in my arms, grabbed both of my hands to keep them in place on her belly, then I asked, “How does the marrow transplant work? What kind of time frame are we looking at here?”
“Well, seeing as the medicine isn’t working either and the chemo and radiation added on to that, she will go to the top of the list. I know her history and trying to locate her mother would take some time. So we need to find someone with the best match possible for this to work. And if we don’t find a match, six months max.” I felt my heart drop. And I knew Conleigh’s had as well because had I not had ahold of her, she would have hit her knees.
That alone told me that the doc hadn’t told her about the time frame. In a way, I hated he had to tell us that, but I was grateful that I was here with her when he did.